5. Waist deep

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Ha-Yoons POV:

I decided to spend the day in the library, get some work done and stop worrying about what's happening with Kang-Ha.
Also if he's so busy with Jae-I then who knows I might be the smartest scholarship student here..not him.
Then someone comes and sits infront of me, I look up and it's He-Ra...which is weird because normally she ignores me completely.
I try and continue my work but she's staring at me..with a look, I can't tell what kind of look it is..it's a mix of I hate you and I know something you don't.
Then she speaks.
"It's your lucky day...Ha...Yoon." She says to me with a sly look.
"Excuse me?" She doesn't scare me..I know what she's like now..annoying..anything for some fun or ruining someone's day..untrustworthy.
"I was speaking to Ri-An last night and ah..he said some things..that involve you..as you know he's having some problems with Jae-I right now and we all know your having problems with Kang-Ha" she says
"What? I'm not having problems with him..what do you mean?"
She raises her eyebrow.."so you don't like him then?..sure seems like you do."
I scoff "well I don't..okay?"
"Anyway..he needs help from you and asked me to tell you..he needs to 'date' someone..someone else.. after only having eyes for Jae-I since the age of six, Ri-An's with someone new?? Oh no way!...Jae-i won't be able to stand it...she still has feelings for him..that's why she's back..it's obvious....oh and by the way..when I said he asked me to tell you..he didn't. He doesn't know it's you" she says with a smile.
"He doesn't know your asking me? Why are you asking me then?"
"Because..it's perfect..you're the new scholarship student..so it won't look fake..it won't look planned..it will just seem like he fell for you..she doesn't know you..it will affect her more because she will have no idea what your like and how you got him..if it was me..she'd know it was to get back at her or to annoy her and she wouldn't care..also for you to make Kang-Ha jealous- oh wait..you said you don't like him...right?" She said the last sentence in a sarcastic way..she knows.. that I like Kang-Ha..is it obvious? Do other people know?
"I-" she interrupts me.
"Just do it. It helps everyone and I know you'd rather be on our good side than our bad side.. right?" She says manipulatively.
"Fine..but once you tell him it's me..he won't want to do it anymore..so don't get your hopes up." I say

"Hmm, you don't know as much as you think you do..it's okay..you'll find out..I best be off now, I'll let you know when he wants to start 'dating' ...you." She says smiling standing up.
I just watch her leave not knowing what to say.

I'm walking down the corridor and I hear someone yell my name.
"Hey!! Ha-Yoon!!"
I turn around and see Kang-Ha running towards me.
I sigh and close my eyes for a second.
I can't talk to him.
One of Ri-An's followers are sure to be watching me.
"Ha-Yoon!! I saw Ri-An put drugs into Yun-Seok's locker.." he says
I look at him confused.
"W-what? Are you sure?"
"Yes I'm sure I saw it and they saw me see them do it."
"Oh..don't tell me you told someone...like a teacher? Am I the only person you've told?" I say
"No I told Miss Ji-Su..she went with me their lockers and opened it for me...but she told me it was Xanax..an antidepressant...I know she's lying to protect them..none of the teachers here protect us they are probably too scared to do so-"
"Kang-Ha! ..have you even thought that maybe they are antidepressants...this school is tough." I say whilst looking around to see if anyone is watching.
"What...you don't believe me?" He says
"No I'm just saying that..you're over thinking it..why do you even care if they are?"
"Because-..I just do okay..they shouldn't be doing drugs." He says..but he doesn't look completely honest..he's lying..does he know someone who did drugs or does drugs?
"Look just..leave it..you keep getting yourself into situations with them and then they retaliate, you should also leave Jae-I alone..then you wouldn't have to worry about Ri-An." And I wouldn't have to do this stupid dating thing.
He scoffs "you think I'm scared of him?"
"You should be Kang-Ha because he killed someone! Or atleast that's what we know...so why risk it?...do you like her..that much..?" I say hiding the pain in my voice.
"Maybe I do."
"Fine..whatever Kang-Ha go bother her more with your ogling eyes.. and your stupid smile then!!" I walk away after saying that.
God I sound so..soo..I don't know.

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