6. Strangers again.

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Guys...i accidentally deleted a chapter..luckily it was the one I really didn't like and rushed so I'm just adding it to this chapter.. just so no one is confused when reading 🫶 don't worry I'm adding everything to this chapter so it will just be a really long chapter 🫶🫶.

A helicopter...
We are getting a helicopter???
Great way to make everyone hate me..
"Let's go" Ri-An commands.
I'm starting to see a different side to Ri-An...a not so nice side.
I know what you're thinking.
He's not nice we know this but recently since the fake dating he's actually been okay to be around.
But now these last few days he's been..rude..very rude and angry a lot.
Not that I care.
It doesn't bother me..I know this is fake..right?
Yeah of course it's fake!!
"Ha-Yoon!" He shouts from the helicopter.
I realise I've been day dreaming for the past like 2 minutes.
I walk quickly towards the helicopter and get in..then realising Woo-Jin is also on this helicopter.
I sit in the seat behind both of them whilst they talk about...oh I don't know...money..money..oh! And money.
Ri-An doesn't scare me.
I don't really believe what everyone says about him killing someone.
I mean that's not something people normally do and you'd think he would act differently If he knew people were speaking about it or that he'd at least care.
But he shows no attention or remorse to what anyone says about the scholarship boy who died.
I feel bad for him.
The scholarship kid. Not Ri-an.
I mean he was probably completely innocent.
By them.
Yet the teachers just watch.

We arrive and the boys go play golf while I decide to go on a hike with some of the other people in our school.
One of them is Tae-Ho.
We talk quite a lot..I didn't realise how nice he was.

"Well I need to get back now...Ri-An's probably looking for me." I say to Tae-Ho.
His face slowly drops as I mention Ri-An... he looks scared really scared.
"You okay?" I ask
"Y-yeah I'm okay..I'm gunna go." He quickly walks off.
That's all the proof I need to know that Ri-an and his followers bully Tae-Ho... or atleast use him.

As I'm walking back to the main hotel I see Kang-Ha.

"Kang-Ha! Hey.." I say walking over to him as he rides his bike stopping.
"Hey Ha-Yoon." He says smiling.
"Oh yeah you weren't on the couch..how did you get here?" He asks
"I um...came with Ri-An.." I say quietly.
"You..what? Why?" He asks again.
"Because we-"
"Woah there a we between you and Ri-An...after everything we know he's done and what we have been told and how he acts...your dating him???" He gets louder.
"What? Are you seriously having a go at me when you're hanging around with Jae-I who is Ri-An's ex girlfriend...you're asking for trouble !!"

"I don't care what he thinks! They aren't together she can be with who she wants.." Kang-Ha says

"And do you want that person...to be you?" I ask slowly

He just looks at me.

That's my answer.

Ha-Yoons POV:

I walk up to Ri-Ans Villa, ..it's big..bigger than my house back home.
I ring the door bell and he opens the door, he looks good, in a white shirt and joggers..he stands to the side hinting for me to come in.
Don't ask me why I don't have my own room..

I walk around the villa.
"Woah..it's so pretty" I commented.
"It's okay for now." Ri-An replies
"Where did you go?" He questions.
"Huh?" I reply
"When you went out earlier."
"Oh I went for a walk."
"For 4 hours?" He replies
"Yeah..I was just wondering..why?"
He just looks at me like he doesn't believe me.
Even though it's true he's making me feel like I'm lying to him.
It's like when there's police around and you can't help but act suspicious even though you didn't do anything.
He gets a call.
There's was a short break before he says
"Are you sure?"
Who's he talking to?
He then breaths out a long breath like he's annoyed.

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