The Twelve Axes

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We were all up and dressed before the other group, which we had taken to calling the titans, as they had lost the fight. I wasn't stupid, though. I knew Zane and the others would hold onto their hate from that moment, and they would gladly retaliate. The question was when.

Breakfast was interesting, Kali, Archie, and I headed over to Cassius and Delphi. The others of our 'side' seemed a little thrown but quickly shrugged it off and made their own table further down. I knew we had all fought a pretty rough fight together last night, but I wasn't at Dauntless to make best buds, and judging by Kali and Archie also joining me, I knew they understood. We respected the others, but we weren't gangs like Zane's group.

Cassius noticed the bruising on my jaw first, "Jesus Persie, didn't realise you were fighting each other so early on, in training."

Archie beat me to a response "Wasn't training."

It was all he said, but it was all that was needed. Narrowing his eyes, Cassius gave Kali and Archie a once over, noticing Archie's arms he then turned to the other transfers and visibly winced when his eyes landed on Lo's face. "Fuck."

Kali snorted "That's about right."

Delphi frowned catching on, "Are you all, alright? Did anyone get seriously hurt, looks like you had quite the brawl."

I scoffed "We're okay I guess, sore, but fine, it's Lo and Michael who took the most damage-"

To everyone's shock, Neil slid onto the seat and leaned across eagerly "-Oh I heard about this, apparently the transfers had a massive fight, 'cause Zane insulted Emma."

Flabbergasted Cassius questioned his brother "How. The. Fuck. Do you know that?"

Neil jumped off the bench and walked away letting the words carry over his shoulder "Talent. Dear, brother. Talent" Upon further prompting from Delphi, Kali grinned and launched into the full story of our previous night.

Neither Four nor Eric said anything initially of our obvious injuries. It wasn't until we stopped for lunch that Eric addressed it. "I don't want to know what happened.-" His voice was firm and dared anyone to start trying to explain "-Whatever it was, you all need to let it go." He pushed on quickly before anyone could make their protests heard "You don't have to like each other. You don't have to respect each other. You do, however, have to live with each other. If you can't sleep next to a fellow Dauntless without trusting they won't attack you, then you are useless to this faction. If you choose to be a Patrol guard how will you work with your colleagues? If you all want to make it here. Learn to live with each other." With those final words, he turned and stalked out of the room.

Four followed suit, but not before giving us all a look of disapproval, which had my hackles rising.

The next few weeks went by much the same way as before, we observed then repeated then we would go for runs and practice more techniques. After Eric's speech, we no-longer had a night watch, but the bedding arrangements stayed the same, a gap separating the titans from us, and Brad in between.

Finally, 3 weeks from our first day, and we were starting shooting practice, I was practically vibrating with eagerness, thankfully, not the only one, whilst I liked the fighting practice, it had started to get a bit repetitive, and as such, everyone was ready to get onto the roof.

One of the giveaways that everyone was waiting excitedly for after lunch, was the fact that not a single snarky comment had been passed from anyone in our group to the titans or vice versa. Cassius and Delphi seemed to find our excitement very amusing, but they had been practising with the guns for a week already now.

Archie was quick to point that out to the taller boy, not taking any of his shit. Archie had come out of his shell a little, he was still reserved, but as he didn't seem the slightest bit timid, just quiet, we all figured it was just who he was. Strangely, Cassius had latched onto the former Erudite and took great pleasure in gaining any kind of response from the blond, so really, Archie had given him just what he wanted.

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