7 - A Night with You

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When the last neighbor finally walked in, you couldn't help but just feel relief. You peered out the window, making sure no one else was in line. Then you called up to every room, even if you knew who was on the list, making sure everyone was in. Then you locked every door, and checked every boarded-up window, as quickly as you possibly could. Then you dressed in the outfit the girls picked out for you the night before, and made your way up to the third floor. 

You had to stop yourself from sprinting up the stairs excitedly, making sure your pace was normal and not aggressive. You took deep breaths every time, rehearsing every sentence you thought you'd say that night. 

When you arrived at his door, you began to hyperventilate. You raised your hand to knock on the door but just froze. You stared at the spy hole, hoping Francis wasn't looking at you through a fish-eyed filter. You took a final shaky breath, before putting on a smile and knocking on the door.

It almost immediately swung open as Francis stood there, tiredly smiling. He had bags under his eyes, but he seemed happy you were there. His grin was soft, matching his quiet demeanor. He was wearing a sweater and soft pants, showing he was comfortable, but still wanted to look nice. His hair was messy from hat-head and seemed to be a little wet still from being towel-dried after a recent shower.

"Hey, Y/N."

"Hey, Francis."

You both greeted each other like you've known each other for years. Like friends who'd talked every day, seeing each other like it wasn't a big deal. In reality, you were both drowning in anxiety.

As soon as you entered the house, you could aggressively smell Francis's cologne.

He fearfully doused the couch in the smell, making sure it wouldn't smell of anything unpleasant, although everything on it was freshly cleaned. 

You enjoyed the scent though, and since it wasn't aggressively chemically-scented, it didn't bother you. Notes of brandy, sandalwood, and cherry filled your senses so heavily you could barely smell the buttery popcorn heating up on the stove top. 

"You look nice." He commented as you sighed in relief. 

"Thank you, Mia and the twins picked it out for me." You replied. "You look nice too."

"Thanks...and I know. I talked to Afton earlier."

Your face flushed red with embarrassment as Francis walked to the kitchen, beginning to shake and stir the popcorn to keep it from burning.

"Oh no," You whispered, covering your face as you took in a breath. "What did he say?"

"That Mia didn't come back until late last night. Not to mention I heard her when you left."

"That's so embarrassing. I'm sorry." You continued. 

"About what?" He questioned as you began taking off your shoes, trying to find words for your next response. "Mia's a teacher...she gets excited over everything." He finished, assuming that was where your frustration was. You just went with it as you walked over to him, standing beside him as he tossed the pan, watching as the foil expanded with heat.

"Right." You nodded. "So..."

"Hmm?" He questioned, just looking over. 

"How was work?"

"Same as it is every day. You?" He asked back.

"Same thing here."

"Any weird doppelgängers?" He wondered. 

"Hmm." You thought for a moment. "I had an odd one of Rafttellyn. It looked identical to her, except for it's face. Just black holes for eyes that dripped with this black goo... it was odd. And her mouth was distorted into a big oval. All she said was "Hoon"." 

Another Day, Another Doppel - Francis Mosses x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now