now days

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Mellody sat in a room with the other children, Ramy and Charles, who were playing a card game. Whinny observed them while trying to stay out of sight.

Charles eventually broke the silence, "Hey, aren't you the mute girl?" he asked, seemingly unaware of the fact that he was being impolite.

Ramy nudged him, "Man, you can't just ask someone that, sorry."

Whinny didn't seem to mind the question, as she wasn't bothered by much. She just nodded. They continued playing, Whinny just watching from the side.

Suddenly, she wondered where Carl had gone. She stood up and started looking for him, not wanting to be left alone.

Mellody got up from her seat, ready to leave the cramped room she shared with Ramy and Charles. As she started walking towards the door, Ramy called after her, "Hey, where are you going?"

Charles chuckled, "shit uh Never mind" as he realized his mistake. He looked embarrassed.

Whinny opened the door and stepped outside, As she walked around, she stumbled upon Maggie, Rick, and Hershel talking. She moved closer, curious to see what they were discussing.

"My wife used to make tea with them for a natural flu remedy," Hershel explained

"There's so many times we haven't been able to do anything to change what was happening to us, no matter how much we wished we could. But this time, I know I can, so I have to," he continued.

Rick stepped forward, warning Hershel, "Hershel, if you go in there, you're going to get sick."

"Wait, we don't know that. What we do know is that these people's symptoms need to be controlled," Hershel stated, his determination clear. Whinny was still unsure of what was happening, but it was apparent that Hershel was willing to take whatever risks necessary.

“Hershel please we can wait” Rick said trying to stop hershel from doing whatever he was doing

“Listen damn it!” You step outside you Risk your life you take a drink of water you Risk your life and nowadays you breath you Risk your life every moment now you don't have a choice the only thing you can choose is what you're risking it for now I can make these people feel better and hang out a little bit longer I can save lives that's reason enough to risk mine and you know that” hershel said tears forming in his eyes
Rick watched as Hershel was determined to help the sick people. He put on a mask and picked up a basket, heading inside with Maggie following close behind.

Rick turned to Whinny, telling her, "Hey, you shouldn't be out here." She shrugged, and he patted her on the back, saying, "Go find Carl."

Whinny nodded slowly and started making her way back inside.

"Hey, where were you? My dad said to stay here," Carl said as he ran up to Whinny and grabbed her shoulder, raising his eyebrows at her. She bit her lip nervously and nodded in agreement.

"Don't do that again," Carl warned, taking a seat on the couch next to her. Ramy and Charles were still busy playing cards while the rest of the children were engaged in their own activities.

"I shouldn't be in here," Carl said, crossing his arms and leaning back. "I was around Patrick, and I was fine. I should be out there helping."

Rick called out to Carl from the hallway, asking him to come out. Carl sat up straight, grabbed his gun, and ran out. Whinny could hear him talking to his father, and after a while, he walked back in, looking a bit annoyed.
Carl had a big bag with him, which he opened to reveal some fruit leathers and a toothbrush.

"My dad brought back some food, fruit leather, and a toothbrush. You can brush after we're done eating," Carl explained. He picked up one of the fruit leathers, asking Whinny, "You like cherry?" before tossing it to her. She smiled, holding it in her hand.

"Hell yeah," Ramy said as he walked over, helping himself to fruit leathers. He tossed a few to Charles, and they all started eating happily.

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