death day

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Whinny was sitting in the room reading a comic that Carl had read the night before. Once he had finished, he let Whinny read it. There was a knock on the door, and Whinny looked up to see Michonne standing in the door frame, smirking at her.

"Hey, I'm going out. Do you want to come?" Michonne asked. "Hershel said it would be good since you've been cooped up in here for a while.”

Whinny smiled and stood up. Michonne wrapped her arm around Whinny's shoulder, and they walked outside.

"Morning," Hershel said to Whinny as they approached.

"Here, get in the back," Michonne said, and Whinny did as she was told. Michonne got into the driver's seat and drove Hershel and Whinny into the woods, where she told Whinny to stay back. There was a pile of dead bodies, and Hershel and Michonne poured gasoline on them. They were going to set them on fire because they were sick.

Hershel and Michonne stood back as Hershel lit a branch on fire, and then he threw it into the bodies, setting them ablaze. The fire grew larger, and the air became thick with smoke. Michonne grabbed Whinny's hand and pulled her away.

"Let's go," Michonne said. Whinny let go of Michonne's hand and ran forward, but someone grabbed her, putting a gun to her head. Michonne was about to reach for her sword, but she knew that if she did, Whinny would die. Whinny looked at Michonne with big eyes, and Michonne lowered her hands, letting the man take Whinny away. Before he did, he punched her in the face, knocking her out. She didn't even have time to see who it was before he knocked her out cold.

Whinnie woke up, finding her hands tied, and sitting between Hershel and Michonne in some sort of RV. A man with an eye patch stood in front of them, touching Whinnie's face. Whinnie bit his finger, glaring back at him. He slapped her, but she wasn't afraid. He pulled his hand away and growled.

"You little bitch" he said.

"Don't touch her!" Michonne yelled back.

The man Philip squinted and pulled something out of his pocket.

"You should eat, it's going to be a long day. Nobody's going to hurt you," Philip said, turning away.

"I don't believe that," Hershel said.

"Well, I don't care," Philip said, sitting down on a separate couch.

"Just tell us what this is, please," Hershel said, looking at the object Philip had taken out of his pocket.

Philip looked through a first aid kit. "It isn't personal," he said, looking at Hershel.

"Then what is it?" Hershel asked, tapping Whinnie's foot with his shoe.

The man sighed. "Michonne, I want you to know... Penny, my daughter, she was dead. I know that now. Now I don't want to hurt you, I don't want to hurt anyone. I need the prison, that's it. You two are going to help me take it, no one needs to die," Philip said.

"I'm gonna kill you," Michone said. Whinnie looked up at her in shock, unable to believe she said that.

"No, you won't," Philip said.

"I'm gonna take my--" Michone started to say, but Hershel stopped her.

"Stop it. You want the prison? I thought I made that clear," Hershel asked.

"Yeah, and I'll take it as peacefully as I can," Philip said.

“Governor,” Hershel said.

“Don't call me that,” Philip said, turning his head away.

Whinnie wasn't sure why Hershel said that or why it seemed to bother Philip.

“Your people are our people. We can find a way to live together. These people you need to keep alive, do you love them?” Hershel asked, leaning forward and looking directly at Philip.

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