Chapter 32: Haley's POV

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To my delight, I awakened in the early morning with the person I had just shared quite a night with still by my side. I do feel fairly guilty for not returning the favor for Danny, but she had rocked my world so intensely that I couldn't even register what had happened.

I also was feeling a little nervous with everything too, considering it was my first time getting down and dirty with a girl. I really don't want to embarrass myself, or make myself a fool. Being bad at things on the first try makes me lose my mind too, so I can either be phenomenal or nothing at all. Little dramatic on my part, but I don't want Danny to laugh at me or pity me.

She really isn't that kind of person though, she wouldn't laugh at me or make fun of me. I know she would be patient with me and let me take my time figuring things out, but I don't want to disappoint her. Danny really set the bar high with her performance last night.

Just as I was about to sit up in bed, I looked down and noticed Danny's arm strewn across my stomach. Her hand was caressing the side of my hip ever so gently in her sleep. She was sleeping, stomach down, head turned away from me with the blankets weirdly entwined with her legs. She is a really warm bodied person, so I can see how the blankets got kicked down to our legs like that. I would've been cold all night if it wasn't for her body heat.

I watch as Danny's bare back rises and falls slowly with each deep breath she takes in her sleep. She was truly okay with sleeping naked last night, which I really didn't mind. It is a nice treat to wake up to this morning, that's for sure.

Suddenly, as if sensing I was awake, Danny rolls over onto her back with a groan. She stretches her arms above her head and grabs onto the headboard. At this moment, all other thoughts have escaped my brain and my heart flutters in my chest.

"Haley," Danny groans in another attempt to stretch, this time her legs. "Are you up?"

"Mhmm," I sing back, soaking up her beautiful body. I try to be polite, but my eyes just keep finding their way to her chest.

"I did end up having a dream where this ended up coming off." As she said that, she tugged at my nightgown. Danny had rolled onto her side now to look at me, propping her head up with her hand.

"Oh, did you?" I seductively respond, propping myself up as well so we are face to face. She wraps her other arm around my waist and pulls me closer, pressing our bodies together tightly.

"Do you always look this pretty when you first wake up?" Danny whispers.

"I could say the same to you..." I feel my cheeks heat up and look away sheepishly. She brings my gaze back to her by taking my chin in her hand. She softly kisses my lips, which I quickly return.

What starts off as a wholesome moment, quickly escalates to a continuation from the night before. Our lips move in perfect sync with one another, sometimes slipping a tongue into the mix here and there. I find myself rolling on top of Danny so that I'm straddling her hips. She effortlessly slips my nightgown off and hangs it up on the post of the headboard. She does a double take when she notices her cowboy hat hung up on the same post.

"Hey, there's my hat," she exclaims as she reaches over and places it atop of her head. She just got significantly sexier with the hat.

"Oh my Yoba..." I mutter, feeling my underwear getting a little soaked. And so early in the morning, how dare she.

I feel her grab onto my hips and flip me around so that I'm now under her. She grabs onto the headboard with one hand and keeps the other wrapped around my waist.

"Ah ah ah," I managed to get out between kisses.

"What's wrong?" Danny pulls back worriedly.

"You had your time to shine last night. It's my turn," With my movement, I slowly guide us into switching positions so that I'm back over her.

"Are you sure you are comfortable with that?" Danny sighs, biting her lip.

"Well when you make that face at me. I'll do anything for you," I reply, nipping at her neck. She tilts her head back and untenses her body, putting her arms behind her head. She still has her darn hat on too.

I start to venture down her body the same way she did to me last night. I place kisses all over her body, focusing mostly on her chest. Soon after I travel down to just above the hem of her panties and nip at her skin around there. Taking a deep breath, I go to slip my hand under the waistband. But just before I do, I notice my long, manicured nails. I hesitantly cringe at the thought of using my wicked long nails to pleasure Danny, but then get a bold idea.

I made the decision so fast, Danny didn't even realize I had hesitated. Instead of slipping my hands down the front of her waistband, I slip them down the sides and tug her underwear off. I gently graze my fingernail along the inside of her thighs, giving her goosebumps. My thumb finds its way to her clit and I rub in circles. She is soaking wet at my touch, making my stomach flip in excitement.

I lower my head down to between her legs and push her legs further apart so I can start using my mouth.

"Oh Haley..." Danny moans, arching her back as my tongue makes contact with her clit. "I didn't expect you to do that..."

I don't reply since I was a bit busy, but I bring one hand up and flash my nails at her as my only explanation.

I feel her legs start to quiver and shake but I hold them down, not letting her squirm away from me. I've never felt so dominant in a relationship before. Even between Danny and I, she is usually the one doing the work so this is a nice change.

"You are doing so well," Danny moans to me, making my heart skip a beat. I watch her hand fly up and grab onto her hat as she arches her back again. Her body starts to shutter, and I feel her start pulsing against my tongue. She lets out a moan, but I hear her try to hold back anymore from escaping. She is making sure Emily doesn't hear what's going on.

Slowing down and pulling away, I look up to see Danny panting heavily, closing her eyes and leaning her head back.

"You sure you've never done that before?" Danny breathes out.

"I think I'd remember if I had," I chuckle.

"Never know. What if you had too much to drink," Danny teases, putting her underwear back on. I give her a playful shove as I get up to put some clothes on for the day.

"Round three?" Danny sneers, eyeing me up as I bend over to ruffle through a drawer of my dresser.

"Put your clothes on, silly," I begin to put on a jean skirt and blouse. Danny tries standing up from the bed, but her legs wobble too much and she just falls back onto the bed.

"I need a minute," she huffs. I pick up her clothes from the floor and toss them at her, rolling my eyes playfully.

She slips into her flannel and starts doing up all the buttons. She then finally stands up and hikes her shorts up and on.

"Time for breakfast," she slings her arm around my shoulders and walks us to the bedroom door to head out for the day. I have a sneaky feeling everyone is going to know something is up. Danny isn't exactly the subtlest person ever.

The two of us head over to the kitchen, Danny's arm still slung around my shoulders. I feel a blush forming on my face as we near Emily who is sitting at the kitchen table. And just as I suspected, Danny cannot refrain from doing the most already.

"What's up Emily!" She holds her hand up for a high five. Emily raises her eyebrow but smacks her hand against Danny's. She quizzically turns to me for an answer, but sees the huge blush I have on my face.

"OH MY YOBA," She screeches. Her hands fly up to her mouth to cover it in shock. Danny goes to lean on the table, but stumbles as she just misses the corner of it. She cannot play it cool whatsoever.

Time for me to get ready for a million questions and have the whole town know.

One Sunny Day (Stardew Valley) (Haley x Female Farmer)Where stories live. Discover now