0 ;; A particular night

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𝐃𝐄𝐄𝐏 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍 the wooden confines of the forest, lays a child who'd exhausted her strength from sprinting.

She sprinted like never before, her heart thrumming in a pace that any sane person would diagnose as her going into cardiac arrest.

However — her tears blurred her vision to the extent that she'd finally tripped over a protruding root in her path — sending her tumbling down a steep slope before she could react.

The craggy terrain covering the slope grazed on varying spots of her body, small gashes ripping the sleeves of her Kimono open.

It hurts.

She could do nothing but just fall.
It burns. The open injuries left her writhing agonizingly, struggling to stand back up. In spite of her best efforts to get up, she was forced to lay down against the dirt. Blood coated her ankles, whereas the thin crimson cascaded down her forearm.

It hurts.

Tears began to stream down her face. But she could barely emit a single sound, not even a signal for help. Perhaps this predicament she found herself in was the epitome of helplessness.

It hurts–

Her jaw slacked open to breathe, her nostrils filling with snot, which was clearly suffocating to a kid... who's presumably on the brink of blacking out. [ Color ] hair sprawled beneath her heavily injured, collapsed form — with disheveled locks cluttering her countenance.

Gasping for oxygen, her chest heaved before dragging back down as heavily. The muscles of her throat closed up when a metallic taste suddenly travelled up her esophagus, along with a crude taste akin to vomit.

A burning sensation covered her entirety, while her head rested on its side. Gaze beginning to fog as it travels to look up at the nightsky, where the Moon was partially shrouded with clouds.

Bright, white speckles splashed onto the Navy sky seemingly never-ending. The Moon hanging high as the pinnacle of it all, emanating a cold glow till its light finally rained on her as the clouds obstructing it left.

It's cold...

The glacial breeze brushed past her curled figure, eyelids drooping lower as tiny dots line her hazing vision.

A: Ahem, (tragic) backstory arc beginning while I try to figure out the actual plot after! The chapters will be placed near the start, so you can expect a new number order thing.

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