𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 6

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(Word count: 2460)

The mood was still dim even three days after using the machine. Sabre looked to have calmed down, his condition mostly stable. He was still unconscious though. Blue had bandaged his hands and legs that appeared to have wounds few hours after being freed from his Shadow. He also bandaged his torso that was gashed three days later. The reason behind this was unknown to them.

Elemental was still out of it, but he did fall asleep eventually, though his rest seemed disturbed. He didn't accept food either which concerned the brother. Blue comforted him with the theory that since he controls elements, then maybe he doesn't need to eat as much and gets some of the food from them. Time hoped he was right.

A sudden low groan caught the two conscious and awake off guard. Blue and Time snapped their heads towards the source, each from their current positions - Time by his brother's side and Blue from the heading of Eloise's bed because he'd been changing the iced cloth. It was Sabre, wincing and trying to move his body. The one with the clock mask moved forward and bent down to see him better.

He could only assume that Sabre had opened his eyes by his small head movements. It took a short moment for Sabre to recognise the one towering above him. "T-Time..?" He whispered hoarsely and ended up in a coughing fit which luckily ended after only a couple of seconds.

Time smiled gently behind his mask. "Good afternoon, it is good to see you awake. You have been out for three whole days."

Sabre remained quiet, his eyebrows slowly forming a sorrowful and apologetic frown. "..s-sorry.. I-I did-dn't.." Time stopped him right then and there by putting a finger on his mouth.

"Do not worry, Sabre. It is fine, I know it was not you when Darkness managed to take over. I am healed as well, so worry not for my health." He reassured in a semi quiet voice. It didn't stop the man below him from wanting to cry. "Hey.. It is alright. It was our mistake for taking your immunity for granted and therefore getting you hurt. Darkness is a foe to be taken with serious caution and not light hope."

Sabre still looked ashamed and looked away. He then noticed Eloise over on the makeshift bed in a horrific condition. He looked torn and with difficulty, asked what happened.

"With Eloise's instructions, Light and Violet Leader built a machine to split the Darkness from you. It appears that during that, both of you were injured and hurt badly." Time Steve explained. "Speaking of which, how are you feeling?"

[Time Steve's POV]

"Before you move, I'd like to advise you against sitting up before I check upon your wounds first." Blue spoke as he immediately stood up from his seat and took the few steps towards Sabre to do what he had said. Sabre was hesitant, but not against getting checked up on to my relief. From the short (-ish) time I have known him, I knew he was stubborn and defensive about himself when it came to his injuries or well-being.

"Tired.. mostly..." he had to take a breath between words to answer my question. Sabre was clearly still exhausted and weak, the very opposite of how he was before getting infected. It was heartbreaking.

"Be sure to take time to rest, okay, Sabre? Your wounds are only semi healed." Blue told him as he redid the bandaging. Sabre only gave a tiny nod, saving his voice, with a sour expression.

"By the way, do you know Eloise by chance?" I asked out of curiosity, but I didn't expect much of an answer due to his state. "She was hurrying to come up with a plan to save you I heard. Others think she knows you."

Sabre looked back up at me again.


"Yeah, Eloise. A girl with orange hair and a blueish blindfold quite similar to yours."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01 ⏰

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