𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 3

30 5 25

(Word count: 3470)

Thunder and destruction roared in the distance as we sat there by the tree, still letting our bodies and minds to catch up with all that had happened.

"I'm sorry." I was first to break our silence. "I don't know what came over me." I told Light honestly. He didn't seem to be in a good mood though. He was probably upset with me.

"What even happened? What did you do? Why- Why did you do what you did-? You had him calm- what- why-? I-.."

"..." Light was mostly confused, bewildered, trying to grasp the context of the situation. And I had no way of explaining any of that in an easy way. "It's... a long story... I don't know how to explain it all either, but... Sabre should be able to fight back against the control of Darkness for at least little time. Hopefully that's enough for us to think of something."

"How-? Why-? But-"

Sigh, I've been way too careless... I should already know better not to engage myself in unnecessary events, especially not in the start of being in a new world. What was I thinking? I wasn't thinking anything, was I? Is it because of Sabre? Could be... I haven't seen him in 4 years our time and now.. the first thing I see is him seeking emergency help. Guess it messed with my head... I can't do anything about it now though. I have to figure out a way to help, to save him.

"Can you tell me more about Darkness? And how it works? And with Steves?"

"Were you not even listening to me?"

"Sorry, oblivious girl here that was thrown into cold dangerous water with no warning right after escaping a different lake. Totally my fault." I didn't even try to hide my sarcasm. He deserved at least a little of it. I didn't ask to get teleported here. Yes- I did want to get out of my previous one, but I certainly didn't expect to be thrown into the start of possibly a war. Not my fault.

Light stared me down, majorly unimpressed. "Seriously?"

"All my current thoughts revolve around saving Sabre. So, you said that a powerful Steve could uncorrupt an infected, right?"

"Sigh, yes. That's true. Usually happens with lightning, like many other things Steves do, happen with lightning."

"So you need to focus on the thing you want to do?"


"How much?"


"How much do you need to focus on it?"

"Uhhh... Enough?"

"... ...So a huge mechanical power surge wouldn't help?"

"Like a machine you talked about?"


"Hm... I don't think so... At least not enough. Maybe it would hold the Darkness in place, but certainly not destroy it. Maybe it could be infused with Steve power, but it might still not be strong enough to destroy it."

"Huh... Alright.." I thought about it. Unless there's another power source with lots of energy, we don't have many options. And there's little time to do something about the raging figure fighting Darkness and destroying the environment while doing so.
"All we need so far is to keep him in one place for a while... Away from others so there's no more destruction..." I muttered, thinking to myself.

"We need quite a lot of redstone for that." Light commented, his gaze lingering on something afar.

"What?" I snapped my head towards him.

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