𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 5

21 4 27

(Word count: 2136)

"Where are we going?"

"Remain quiet, please." Violet Leader asked Light politely in a tone almost a whisper, never looking back at him, his course set in swift motion ahead. The taller one remained in his quick pace through a thick purplish jungle-like forest in his own kingdom. Light had almost thought they were underground. The two of them treaded quickly but also as quietly as possible as not to alert anyone who could have been listening, spying. Light had yet to understand the meaning of that situation. He'd know about it soon enough.

The Leader of Violet Steves came to a halt about a hundred more blocks into their walk. Light had almost bumped into him due to their closeness as not to lose each other, but managed not to do so. Only his puffy soft hair may perhaps have touched the other. He looked ahead, trying to understand why they had stopped and where had they arrived.

Few steps ahead from where the Leader was, there looked to be something like a waist-high pillar, or at least half of a pillar. It didn't seem broken anywhere but the foundation where cracks and few broken pieces decorated the decay as vines and moss covered most of the grey stone. Behind that object, something resembling a wall lay, also covered in moss and leaves in pink and violet hues with occasional red. It had a text in letters or symbols, which Light didn't understand, on its no longer smooth, but cracked surface. The Violet Leader stepped forward a single step, close enough to the first pillar. On a closer look, Light noticed a higher surface in the middle of it, like a button.

He gazed at the taller one in front of him. The Leader looked hesitant and as if afraid, a little guilty. "Brace yourself." He warned. "If all goes well, neither of us die." A jolt of fear spread through them both when Violet hit the button-looking area and a deafening explosion burst in the distance, covering the sky in lines of purple hue like cracks of glass, more purple and magenta hues spreading from a single area like a cloud or fog to the sky.

The aftershock of it reached the two as a powerful wave of energy. Light felt it piercing through him, but not tearing him apart as he felt something strong flare up inside of him. When he opened his eyes, purple gushed everywhere in his vision like in a speed light tunnel. Orange fog-like lines covered him and white glow emitted from him, but not enough to catch someone else's attention. It fascinated him. Looking at the Violet Leader, he saw that he was holding up, hands before his eyes and face as to block the aftershock from hurting them. Light decided to take the same pose as the Leader had and waited it out.

He didn't know what they had done, but he knew one thing:

He was going to help no matter what.

— — — — —

"We are here!" Yellow was frantic and actually panicking, contrasting his usual strong and collected demeanour.
"Who called?!" Orange Leader held panic in his voice gone higher as well, yelling the question at the same time as when representatives of Indigo and Blue Steves spoke something in a language none of them recognised at first glance and didn't have the calm mind to try understand the language they all actually knew.
"What has happened?!?!" Green Leader was in shock of seeing the purple sky for what actually wasn't the first time to him.

"Everyone, please sit down. I called us here." Violet Leader raised his right hand to his ear with Light behind him by his side. All eyes went on the one with magenta crown. Few minutes of silence of processing the information that reached their ears, the leaders sat.

"...Why is Light Steve with you?" Blue Steve asked, skeptical and nervous, scared.

"He was not with you when you activated the ᒷリ↸ ᓵ∷||ᓭℸ ̣ ᔑꖎ signal, right..?" Yellow Leader tilted his head forward with his hands on the table. Light Steve wondered what an ᒷリ↸ ᓵ∷||ᓭℸ ̣ ᔑꖎ was. Does it have something to do with the purple? He thought without moving his body at all.

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