𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 1

79 9 44

(Word count: 3068)

[Eloise POV]

I was patiently and quietly reading a book as to pass time and calm my still haywire nerves while waiting for someone this "Elemental Steve" called "Time Steve". We were in a bunker of sorts underground. Apparently, everyone in this world is a "Steve" and also use it for their names rather than just a categorisation for their species. I'm honestly surprised that I'm not arrested or held down in a tight grasp yet as my.. arrival to this world came at quite a wrong time as I see it and to say the previous world I was in was cruel is an understatement. They'd just lost someone close to them, a hero to their people, and now Time Steve, and a person I was told is a non-Steve, Sabre, went investigating about the situation of "Rainbow Void" - a powerful enemy as I was told. The one who had killed the friend they had just had a funeral for.

"So.." a Violet Steve who I learned is a Leader of a certain colour, violet like himself, sat down on the stone ground beside me as the others made small talk about something and remained in their worried and sad moods as I was startled out of my thought process. "Can you talk more about yourself? About who you are and how you got here?"

He was perhaps the most levelheaded of the group so far, and for that reason (and the fact he had a literal royal-looking flower crown on his head), I decided to say something despite the cat wanting to catch my tongue. "W-Well.. My name is Eloise... I-I'm 20 years old according to m-my timekeeping, I think. And.. I'm not actually too sure how I got here. My memory has been kinda fuzzy s-since I arrived."

"That's understandable, Eloise. I heard that Sabre was just like that when he arrived here too. No need to worry, you will get your memory back soon enough."

"Who exactly is this Sabre? He seems quite the deal here." I asked as not to feel more awkward as I already did. The name sounded awfully familiar and a small part of me deep inside seemed to be torn apart on the opinion of whether to wish for the guy to be who I had thought he was or not.

"Oh, him? Well, he's not a Steve- Thinking about it now.. We don't actually know what species he is for certain. He has talked about humans and he can't be a Player according to what I know so.. I suppose he is a human. We have no data other than what he has told us here. I guess that is because we are a rather secluded world."

"Oh, I see." I nodded along, putting away the book I was provided by Violet Leader himself actually, and adjusted my pose to listen to him more comfortably.

"He has dark brown hair, he wears some sort of white suit at the moment - I don't know what that is - and actually, wears a blindfold like you. Although, his is very dark grey instead of blue." I gulped, nervously sweating. He has to be the one I know.. "Do you perhaps know him?" He asked.

"Err- W-Well.." What do I even say?! "I'm not sure... I do remember a boy with brown hair and a dark blindfold through the fog, but.. I'm not too sure if he's the same one."

"Right, you have to meet him! I sure hope him and Time will make it back alright." The Leader smiled enthusiastically.

"Hm." I nodded with a hum and looked back at the others around 20 blocks in front of us. "Blocks" are the way to measure things here, right? They were still talking, all of them keeping close to this Elemental guy who seemed to emit orange glow with something and.. warming them up? I guess this place is chilly since it's underground. And humid too. "Say.. Do all Steves here.. do they have powers of some sort?"

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