𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 2

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(Word count: 2580)

[Light Steve POV]

"Hey... Do think she's alright?" I asked from the ones awake - the Violet Leader and Elemental - since Eloise had fallen asleep like Blue Steve, who was drained from helping Time. "She seems... disturbed." After those words were said, the other two proceeded to turn their gazes to the girl by the wall opposite to the door as well.

From their thoughtful quiet hums, I concluded that they saw that Eloise indeed didn't seem to be sleeping well. She was curled up against the wall, her tiny body hiding behind her bent legs and with her hands close to her chest. Her face wore a frown, one similar to confusion, tinted with unease or worry. Something about how she held herself did suggest that something was wrong.

"Now that you mention it... Yeah, she looks restless. Like fighting a bad dream." Violet Leader agreed and his eyes turned slightly more indigo as if mixing with blue to express deeper sadness. He'd been energised before by what I assume the girl had said before some strands in his hair are still pink with very dim light, as if still in the effects of phosphorescence.

"I wouldn't blame it if a nightmare is bothering her. She did and still does have a rather rough start here." Elemental commented and continued to drink his green tea.

"Elemental? And being soft? That's an odd but pleasantly warming combination in this case." Violet muttered quietly, but loudly enough for us, for Elemental, to hear. He definitely did that on purpose since I could see a smug grin as he took a sip of his lavender tea.

"I heard that, problem-seeker." The other threatened in a low voice, but it was lighthearted. Mostly. He definitely would make a fight happen if he pushed it any further.

Since we didn't know what to do as nightmares can be seen by anyone, we continued our evening tea-and-snack time in silence. I had orange & cinnamon tea which Bookworm Orange had recommended me a long time ago when he convinced me to go to camping by the nearest lake with him. It was nice. It'd been the first time in a while at that time when I had felt truly genuinely happy. And understood. Funny and Happy Orange Steves did hang around with me, but I think I was third wheeling most of the time. Maybe they felt pity for me, because I was too shy to make any friends and therefore only felt safe with the Leader. Wait, I realised. "The Leaders!" I stood up and left the house in a flash. I have to warn the others! I have to warn them! I have to-

"Light! Wait!"

"The Leaders! The Leaders, we- We have to warn them!"

"Hey, hey! Light Steve! Wait! I know!" He grabbed me and held me in one place. "I know, okay? We can go together. But. First things first, alright? We need to make sure people in our own group are okay. Let's go tomorrow morning when we've all had some sleep, is that okay with you, Light?"

I took some deep breaths to calm down. "S-Sorry... I don't k-know what came over m-me..."

"It's alright, we're all tense from the recent events. That's why we need rest, especially now. Come on, let's go-" he was cut off by a sudden noise. It was- Eloise? She rushed out the door and ran towards the main hub. We shared a look and I knew we were thinking the same thing. We followed her. She was frantically saying something. Was it Sabre's name? Or something else? It sounded like gibberish to us.

"Hey-! Eloise! Please stop! Where are you going?" Violet Leader called out for her, but she kept on going until she reached the hub portal area and in panic looked around. "Eloise!" The Leader grabbed her and attempted to turn the girl around. She slipped away before he could do anything else. "Eloise- Are you alright?" She turned around. "Deep breaths. Take deep breaths, buddy."

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