Chapter 18|shameless.

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Chapter 18| Shameless.


People there were people everywhere I looked, from the drink stand to the various corners of the hall, which was occupied. I bit my lips, glancing around in hopes of seeing a familiar face."Isn't he coming?" I muttered, releasing an annoyed breath. Something in me kept telling me that tonight was my last chance to speak to him; after tonight, there was no other chance.

I groaned, standing to my feet. Seeing so many people at a charity event was a little amusing. Since when did rich people start caring for the poor? Or was it just a means of meeting new investors for them? I weaved through the sea of people, searching for a quiet place where I could get some fresh air, as it seemed like I would suffocate if I stayed in the filled hall any longer.

"Excuse me!" I said to a group of ladies giggling at a man whose face I couldn't see clearly; I knew better than to get myself caught up amongst them. The memories of the last time I did that weren't in any way pleasant. I couldn't afford to get drunk at a party again.

When I finally found my solitude, I let out a light chuckle; it was hard getting used to social events after years of staying away from unnecessary attention; I had declined lots of party invitations over the years, especially those unnecessary and those I couldn't decline, I had Mia attend on my behalf. I hugged myself as I felt a chill on me. It must be the cold of the night, and my sleeveless evening gown wasn't helping either.

I had probably gone back before I missed my chance."Hey beautiful!" a voice said, while a hand snaked itself around my waist. In the most possible swiftness I had, I was away from the voice."Who are you?" I demanded, glaring at the smirking man standing across me.

" You don't seem to waste time, do you? I like it. Fiery women like you, with features I haven't yet seen," he mused, walking closer to me. His hooded eyes sparked in mischief as he adjusted his three-piece suit. I stepped farther away from him, " you still haven't answered my question, who are you?! " I demanded again. "That, my darling, is not important, all that is important is," He licked his lip and raked his hand through his hair. " You are too sweet to be alone in a party like this,"

" That is none of your business," I gritted out.

He chuckled, "We will see," Then he grabbed my shoulder and pulled me into his arm, all in a quick swiftness that had me gasping. He tucked my hair behind my back," white hair, " he chuckled, "Well that's new,"

"Let go of me!" I tried getting out of his hold, however he tightened it more. "Let go," I shouted, pushing at him with aggression.

He didn't listen. Instead, he hugged me to himself, "That won't work, my darling, you are mine now," I pushed at him with all my strength; memories invaded my head, memories that brought tears to my eyes. However, instead of closing my eyes and just giving up, I found myself thrashing and yelling, anything to save myself. When none of those worked, I paused and stared at him.

" Oh, you have given up is- ah," he let out a sharp groan as I bit on his nose and gave him a headbutt. He released me, cursing and holding his head in pain, which gave me the perfect opportunity to kick his penis with my heel. That was needed, yet I felt a need to deliver a clear message so he wouldn't mess with another Innocent girl in the future.

" Go to hell," I shouted, then I ran in the opposite direction, holding my throbbing head. I felt good about what I did, though I regretted the headbutt part; God, it hurts. It was annoying how some men think they could take advantage of a lady just because she was alone, I wish I had done more. Once again, I found myself hugging my body; I really shouldn't have worn the sleeveless evening gown, or maybe I shouldn't have attended the party either; I had spent hours in while the person I attended the party for hadn't arrived.

There was a possibility that he wouldn't be attending the party, I heaved out a sigh. My scarlet heels made gentle clicks in the quiet hallway I found myself walking in, my feet had led me there after my dreadful encounter with that pervert. I shivered at the remembrance of the shameless man. Thank God I was strong enough to stand up for myself. At the corner of my eyes, I caught a glimpse of a figure entering a corner. The figure looked familiar, and my curious self ignored the possible dangers and ran after it.

When I caught up with the figure, I realized that I wasn't seeing just one person, they were two, two people kissing each other against the corridor. Two people I knew too well, Mr Aman, held Maya Ann, his alleged girlfriend, to the wall, kissing her with so much passion that it made me feel sour for no particular reason. Intending to give them their privacy, I turned away; it was unfortunate that I couldn't spend a night without any drama as I crashed with a Woman holding champagne, which spilled right on my dress.

I could have avoided the next few events if only she kept her mouth shut. However, she didn't, as expected." Oh my gosh, I am sorry, I am sorry, I didn't mean t-" she rushed out.

"Um... It's okay, " I said, my voice soft, in the hope, she would calm down and just help me to a bathroom like any other normal living human being would. Guess what? No, she didn't.

" I am sorry, I will pay you for the dress," she pleaded.

" No, it's okay, you don't need to do that, just help me to a bathroom or something," I insisted.

"No, I will buy you a new one, I can't just ruin your dress,"

" No, it's okay... you can't buy it anyway, you can leave, I will go in search of a bathroom," I insisted, walking away from the corridor, she couldn't buy the dress as it was specifically designed for me and there were only three designs like it. The lady pestered me till I was in and out of the lady's rooms, it took a lot of persuasion to get rid of her.

" Thank God," I muttered as I watched her leave, then I turned back to leave the event; my body, however, collided with a hard body, which sent me falling to the floor and hitting my ass.

" Ow," I hissed.

" You seem to collide with a lot of people lately, Mrs. Normans," a cool voice I knew too well spoke, prompting me to snap my head in his direction.

Shooting up to my feet, I exclaimed," Mr Aman!"

He gave me a once over, then he smirked, "You look gorgeous this evening. Is there a special occasion I do not know about? As, the last time I checked, you are meant to be busy packing out of my land,"

I licked my lips, " Mr. Aman, look I know you have decided not to sell me the land, however, I still"

" Since you are well aware of my insistence on not selling the land, why do you still pester me?"

" I... Um, I wish to know if there is any way I can persuade you," I stated.

"Persuade me?"

" Yes persuade you!" His lip formed into a thin line as he held my unwavering gaze, it took me no less than a second to be lost in his eyes. I frowned, wondering why my heart suddenly decided to begin beating fast as I had just run a race. He had a few debating jiffies in his head, and he had on a gorgeous smirk that had my heart spiraling.

"Are you willing to do it no matter what it is?" He questioned.

" Yes, I am willing,"

Nodding, he responded," Good, " then he watched me in silence, making me bite my lip in anxiety.

He then opened his mouth and uttered the most outrageous thing ever," One night, have a one-night stand with me and I will sell you the land,"

" Absolu- wait what?" I shouted the moment my brain registered what he had just uttered. Dyletto Aman wanted to have a nightstand with me?!!!!


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