S1-E13: When the Cicada Calls

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We are looking at a land of water filled with toxic waste caused by a company called "Destroido Corp." A short, fat man is currently leaving the place to go home since it's night, but he suddenly gets a call from a mysterious man. Kelspesian: "On my home now, darling." ???: "You did not heed my warning." "Honey, what's wrong with your voice? It's so deep. Wait a minute. Is this that nut, again?" "I told you, if you did not quit your job at Destroido and leave forever, something terrible would happen to you." "And I told you , I don't appreciate prank calls! My sister-in-law is a paralegal and if this keeps up, I'm suing you! Go suck a lemon! [hangs up] Oh, boy! The nerve of some people." he says before he gets in his car and drives home.

He gets to the caution-colored entry gates and stops at a red light. He checks on something in his car before looking back at the windshield to be disgusted by the sight of a bug. "Ew. One of this cicada things. I hate those bugs. Blech." he says as he turns on the wipers to fling the bug off. The light turns green and he drives off while failing to notice that two more cicadas landed on his car. He doesn't seem to care and even notice, but even more bugs started to show up. Not just a group, but a whole horde. They surrounded his car and even got in the car and on him. Kelsepsian: "What's going on? Hey. Go away! Come on! Shoo. Shoo." he says as he tries to shake them off, but to no avail. They just kept on attacking. "Aah. Aah. Oh. I give up! [indistinct chatter]" Eventually, he couldn't see where he was going and drove off the cliff. The cicadas all came together and formed one giant cicada creature. Cicada Creature: "I warned you!"

The next day, at Crystal Cove High, the gang is in a class with Dr. Yantz. Nakala is happy to have his friends back together, but was also shocked and annoyed to hear about the "Shadow Assassin." Now there's three they have to deal with. Great. Anyways, they're listening to Dr. Yantz talk about cicadas while holding one in his finger. Dr. Yantz: "The cicada: The most perfect insect in a decidedly imperfect world." he says before he kisses the bug before placing is back on a branch with the rest of its friends. Fred: "Did he just kiss a bug?" he asks as Nakala does a disgust noise. Nakala: "I think he just did." Dr. Yantz: "The cicada's life cycle is fascinating. As grubs, they burrow into the ground where they spend the next 17 years." Scooby taps Velma on the shoulder to offer her some Nature Slivers. Scooby: "Psst! Want one?" Velma: "Not from you I don't." Oh. Can't we just be friends?" "Ask me in 17 years."

Dr. Yantz: "Changes in our ecosystem, though could wipe off the precious cicada." Nakala: "Which is why we need to keep watch on companies like Destroido who pollute nature." "That is correct, Mr. Williams. Though, you really should be telling Shaggy and Scooby that." Scooby: "Huh?" Shaggy: "Pardon?" "Are you aware that Grandma Moonbeam's Nature Slivers are manufactured by Destroido? And every bite you take supports the biggest polluter of Crystal Cove." Shaggy: "No. But they're, like, super good." Scooby: "Yeah. Want one?" "Dr. Yantz: "I don't even know why I let you take this class." The school bell rings and everyone leaves the classroom. Fred: "That guy's a total nut." Nakala: "He does know what he's talking about, though. Polluters should be dead." Daphne: "Nakala!" "What? If you're not going to care about the beautiful planet you were born and raised on, then don't be here at all. That's what I say."

Velma: "By the way, you never told us your last name is Williams." "You didn't need to know." he said with a smile, which causes Velma to elbow him. "I just can't believe that there's another unknown entity we have to deal with. And that we have the entire history of Crystal Cove with us. Whatever Mr. E wants from us, we'll be able to find out now." The gang hears Shaggy choke on something and pulls out a small piece of paper with writing on it. Shaggy: "Zoinks! It's a note from Mr. E. Must have been in the bag of my Nature Slivers. He says there's a mystery waiting for us at the hospital. There's been some sort of weird accident." Fred: "What kind of accident?" Nakala's phone beeps and he checks it to see Mr. E sent him a message. Nakala: "He says we'll find out when we get there."

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