S1-E16: Escape from Mystery Manor

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It is Halloween night in Crystal Cove. Or more precisely, Crystal Cove from decades ago. A young girl is seen climbing the stairs up to the Darrow mansion. She knocks on the door to get some candy, but is met with something else that didn't seem like a Halloween trick once the door opens. Girl: "Trick or treat! [gasps] Ahh!" Mr. Darrow swings his hand at the little girl as he yells at his family. Cletus Darrow: "You'll never get this from me, you little brats. Never!" Mrs. Darrow comes over and tackles him to the ground, causing the little girl to scream while running away as Mr. Darrow is dragged back in the house. They are fighting over some trinket that they have found that looks like the piece of something bigger. Mrs. Darrow: "It's mine!" Daughter: "Give it to me!" Cletus: "Can't have it!"

The oldest kid, Justin Darrow, watches in horror as his family is trying to hurt each other for the piece. Cletus loses the piece as it is thrown in Justin's direction. He picks it up and tries to reason with his family. Justin: "Everyone, stop! That's enough! Don't you see what's happening?! You're all fighting each other over this stupid thing. It's changing you. At this rate, one of you is probably gonna commit murder just to get it. For your safety, I better hide this somewhere where you all can't find it." The family doesn't get a chance to protest or anything as the entire ground and mansion shook. This causes Justin to lose his balance and drop the piece and is picked up by Danny Darrow. The whole mansion seems like it's about to fall apart. Danny: "Daddy, mommy, what's going on?" Justin wastes no time and runs out the door. He knows what's going to happen. He turns back around to see his family didn't follow. The last thing he hears is his family screaming as the entire mansion sank underground. Justin: "NO!!"

We now return to the present at K-Ghoul where Mystery Incorporated and Angel are at. They are going through the clues they have for the haunted treasure so far. Angel: "Angel Dynamite coming at you with the spinners spinning around for all you sinners in this town. Be right back. Dig?" she says before getting up from her chair and grabbing a book to give to her friends. They have a chart with pictures of those they know are linked to the haunted treasure. Angel: "Okay, kids, lay it on. And don't hold out on me."

Velma: "Okay, here are the clues we have so far that we know are linked to the curse of the haunted treasure. One: The locket we found in the Crystal Cove caves, which has the pictures of Brad Chiles and Judy Reeves from the original Mystery Inc. inside. Two: Professor Pericles. Also a member of the original Mystery, Inc. who escaped from prison and vanished without a trace. Three: "The Darrow family who disappeared, along with their mansion, nearly 75 years ago without a trace. Which leads us to four: Mr. E, a mysterious ally who's been leaving us clues to help solve this mystery, which we still haven't managed to solve."

Daphne: "Don't forget about those three other beings that we saw. They're after the treasure as well." Angel: "Mr. E left this on my doorstep last night." she says handing it to Nakala. Nakala: "Strange. It doesn't have the E symbol." he says as he looks at Angel suspiciously. She clearly already had this idea book. Possibly for a while. He opens the book and sees that it's a diary. Nakala: "[disgust noise] Love fantasy. This seems to be Cassidy Williams' diary." he says before he starts flipping through the pages to find the last entry. Surely that has to have a clue of where to start looking. Velma: "*Williams? That's Nakala's last name. Is he..?*" "Here we go. Final entry. "Dear diary, in our quest to track down the cursed treasure, we leave tonight to search the site of the old Darrow mansion."" Velma: "That's weird. The paper said they disappeared from the Crystal Cove caves." Angel: "That mansion used to stand where the Darrow college is now." Nakala: "Then that's where we'll go. Come on."

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