The Beginning

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"Y/N.... Y/N get up already dammit!"

 That voice.. you knew it well. It was Traysin, one of the Half-foot twins. Despite being twins though he is a complete 180 from his sister Winnora. 

"Don't you make me stab you in the thigh again with a lockpick I swear I will..!" You heard him speak. 

Hearing those words caused you to instantly open your eyes and sit up straight, not wanting to go through that pain again. He never jokes with a threat like that.

"I'm up!" You spoke in almost a shout, later rubbing your eyes as you scanned the area. Most of your party were awake an preparing to descend to the next floor deeper into the dungeon. Lovu, your kobold companion since you were a child, was keeping watch at the door in case something tried to ambush the party. Beidan, An Elven fighter who has been around since the party first got together even before you joined, was counting the amount of rations and how long it would last. Traysin, the Half-foot Rogue that you recently hired to join along with his sister, had walked away from you and was putting his equipment away in his bad while mumbling small curses. And his sister Winnora, the cleric of the party was silently sitting on a wooden box while reading her spell book and keeping her staff close, seemingly peaceful after everything you've all experienced so far in the dungeon. 

That only leaves you, The Tallman Paladin of the party who had only recently woken up from the nights rest. But every single time, despite the threats, after you wake up you always seemed to feel like the luckiest guy that your party members hadn't left you to die in your sleep. But that feeling of luck seemed to leave after hearing someone share somewhat bad news.

"We only have enough rations to feed us for the day. And we haven't been paid enough to buy some more in the shop on the first floor." Beidan sighed as he ran his hand through his raven hair. 

"Seriously? We JUST made it to the fourth floor and you're telling us this now?!" Traysin groaned in annoyance as he slouched against his bag.

"Calm down Traysin. He didn't know until now" Winnora spoke up in her usual soft tone, a bit of a worried look could be seen in her eyes. 

'Not enough food? No money to buy more? What are we going to do?' You thought to your self for a moment as Traysin and Beidan bickered in the background, struggling to come up with some sort of plan from how loud they were getting. 'They never did get along did they? How annoying...' That's when you slammed a fist against the palm of your hand as you had come up with a simple plan. 

"Got it!" You stood up and walked a bit closer to the group, Lovu doing the same. "We can explore the fourth floor with the rations we have. when we run out we can use a returning spell and do some light work for money on the surface. Just enough for more rations to last us a few weeks" You explained with a smile on your face, liking the idea you had come up with. But of course when you looked around at the party most of them just looked at you as if you were an idiot. 

"I'm not saying that is a bad idea.." Lovu started to speak before pointing towards the door entrance he had been standing at to guard. "But as we were going through the dungeon.. I have been getting a constant scent of another party. A tallman, A half elf, A dwarf, and a Half-foot. From the scents I have been picking up so far I believe they've been carrying various monster parts with them."

Then there was a pause, Lovu had stopped speaking as if waiting for something to happen. And as if right on queue...

"wait... You can't be serious... Are you saying there's a chance they are actually eating MONSTERS?" Beidan spoke with a shocked expression stuck onto his face,  then everyone else including you had the same look.

Lovu let out a sigh before nodding. "That's what I'm assuming but I'm not sure. But if they are then if we followed their ways it would fix our ration problem and we don't have to worry about going back to the surface."

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