Fateful Encounter

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Everyone has had their fill of the simmered kraken dish you've all prepared together after such an intense fight, the half-foot twins have seemed to be sitting against each other's backs and were taking a light nap together  next to a wall, Lovu was cleaning the dishes using the water outside the shelter, and Beidan was silently staring at the map of the current floor trying to find the fasted route to the fifth floor. 

And you? You were just leaning against the wall with your arms crossed, feeling the comforting warmth of the recent meal slowly spread throughout your body while being lost in thought. Your eyes looked unfocused as if you weren't mentally there. And someone seemed to take notice of this.

"Are you alright Y/N?" Your eyes instantly snapped to look towards the elf who hadn't moved but was now looking right at you. "You seem distracted.."

"huh? Me? Psh no I'm- I'm fine!" You force a small smile to appear on your lips but no matter how hard you try it never looked convincing. You heard a small sigh come from the male and watched him stand up while putting the now rolled up map into this pouch. "You are a terrible liar" Beidan spoke while now facing you with his hands on his hips. 

"Really Beidan It's nothing" It was your turn to sigh. You leaned a bit more into the wall behind you while looking away, closing your eyes for a few moments. It was hard to put thoughts into words sometimes especially when talking to the Elf. "Honestly I'm just wondering.. What do you think about the whole eating monsters situation?" you then open your eyes to focus on whatever words would leave the other's lips.

You watch him stare at you for a few moments before he closed his eyes to think. "Well.... I wouldn't say it's ideal. I was raised believing that all monsters from the dungeon are filthy and too dangerous to consider eating them for each meal" He shrugged his  shoulders before crossing his arms, furrowing his eyebrows slightly. "I'm pretty sure most were raised that way..." 

There was a short pause, your eyes never leaving beidan once as his eyes were still closed. He soon opened them with a small smile appearing on his face. He was looking right at you. "Despite all that though.. I think its comforting knowing that we won't end up dying from starvation in here. I don't have to constantly worry about the amount of rations we have left anymore"

That was true. Every since this party was first put together Beidan has always been the one to take care of the rations and made sure we were all well fed. From what the elf had mentioned from his past, his mother's cooking was a large part of his life and he started to learn from her. He never seemed to stop even after his mother had passed away. You give him a light smile and made your way towards him, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder once you were close enough. 

"I'm glad."


About 30 minutes had passed since you had your short conversation with Beidan and you were all ready to venture though the floor once again, this time going through an opening Lovu had found nearby. It looked to lead into a mossy hallway with a few doors leading into rooms here and there along with opened areas. 

"It feels good knowing nothing is really going to attack from below us in here" Winnora let out a soft giggle while glancing over at her, holding her staff close to her person. This  teasing of course made you pout a bit as you could remember how it felt to be brought down and held underwater for what felt like eternity. 

"Yea haha very funny winnora" You spoke sarcastically but this only made the mage giggle a bit louder along with Beidan and Lovu. "Alright alright keep laughing at me" You couldn't help but let out a few soft chuckles yourself before you gestured over to Traysin who was walking in front of the rest of the party. "Traysin doesn't find your comments funny"

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