Mimic Stew

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-Traysin's POV- 

Everyone surrounded the passed out Y/N in the small camp Lovu and Beidan had set up for the time being. You had your arms crossed in slight annoyance.

"Out of all places the dumbass decided to pass out. It had to be here?" You spoke in an agitated tone, your eyes not leaving the sleeping Y/N once. To your knowledge this has happened once before but it was simply from food poisoning, so it wasn't convenient that he fainted in a place mimics are more known to lurk in. You watch as your twin kneel beside the  Tallman and place a wet cloth on his head then carefully placing a blanket over him.

"I wouldn't be  surprised if he somehow got food poisoning from the kraken.... Perhaps I accidentally let a parasite through my inspections of the meat" Lovu spoke up, leaning against the wall located right beside Y/N. "He shouldn't be too ill though. He should wake up in about an hour more or less." 

"How Ironic" You chuckled a bit as a grin appeared on your face. "The guy who has been the most excited about eating monsters got food poisoning from the first monster meal he ate. Should teach him a lesson for coming up with such an idiotic idea"

"Actually I'm pretty sure I was the one who came up with it to fix our ration and money problem.." Lovu mumbled slightly. You knew he was right but you didn't really care. This moment was still somewhat amusing.

"Yea right whatever... We should go look for something to eat. We have been walking for a while." you shrugged and started to walk towards the door that lead out  back into the hallway.

"That is true it is about time for some dinner... I'll join you. Lovu perhaps you should keep guard at the door until we return with something to eat." You heard Beidan speak up and start to follow you out of the room. Out of all people why did HE volunteer to join you in this hunt. You hated his guts. Sure he was tall and tough, the way his light would hit his eyes would look like starts in the midnight sky, his smile would make your heart feel.. WAIT what were you thinking?!

You shook your head to lose those thought and put on a bit of a scowl on your face. "Fine. Ill tolerate you joining me but just know I could handle a simple hunt on my own" You didn't turn your head to look up at the elf, being too afraid that if you did those thoughts would return. Maybe you were just hungry. That has to be it.

"I am only joining you because the dungeon is too dangerous even if you can handle yourself. We can't have  you wandering off and become dinner for something else" Beidan spoke with a small frown on his face. "Besides we both know that you tend to run and hide whenever you lose those little knives of yours." You heard Beidan let out a soft scoff before pushing past you to walk fully into the hallway outside of camp. "They are called daggers dumbass" you mumbled under your breath.

"Whatever you say pipsqueak." That sentence made your blood boiling. you always hated whenever you were called pipsqueak especially when it was coming from Beidan. But you managed to keep yourself from stabbing the male in the back... literally.

After that you two walked off together in silence, walking right next to each other with your eyes not glancing over to one another. This has grown incredibly awkward. You opened your mouth slightly to try and insult the other in return but-.

"You do know I only make fun of you the way I do is because I truly do admire you right?" You instantly stopped walking, instantly looking up at Beidan as the other continued to walk of. He admired you...? 

"What..." Was all you could manage to say. You were incredibly confused with the sudden emotional bullshit. You watched as the other had stopped walking just a few feet in front of you, not turning around to look at you. 

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