Meet Your Party! - Part 1

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Hello! It's me Val. The Author of this silly little story.

So while I was writing the second chapter I had this interesting idea. What if I actually drew each party member so it can help you the readers envision each interaction better?

I am a character art student after all so why not put what I've learned so far to good use. Well you are in luck! I have spent a total of four and a half hours designing and drawing out the first of your party members.


Character Info:

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Character Info:

Name- Traysin Delvez

Race- Half-foot

Class- Rogue

Age- 29

Gender- Male

Sexuality- Demisexual

Traysin was the first character I had a set design in mind since before writing this story and I can't wait to draw his twin Winnora and the rest of the party members.

I also have an idea for a design for (Y/N) so stay tuned for that!

Well I shall take my leave and I plan to write the next chapter very soon!



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