Simmered Kraken

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You could hear as your party members attacked the large beast, Lovu casting explosion spells to keep the kraken in place as Beidan and Traysin would run up and attack it with their weapons. Each attack filled with hope to fatally wound it but with how the beast fought you could tell it's far from over.

You let out a loud growl as you can up to the kraken, holding the handle of your sword tightly  as you swung at each tentacle that tried to attack you.

"Dammit this one doesn't look like the one in the book the pattern is all wrong! This one must've been created recently by the mad mage!" You heard Winnora yell out to the rest of the group, a tone mixed with worry and annoyance. "That means the previous kraken had been defeated by a group who came through here before us!"

Traysin turned his head to look at winnora with a pissed expression on his face "Don't tell me that monster eating group killed and ATE the first one. RAH so annoying!" You could tell he was letting out his anger with every thrust of his daggers.

"That is a possible theory" Lovu thought for a moment while still focused on his spellcasting.

"Stop focusing on the mystery party and focus on the bloody kraken!" Beidan yelled to the entire party and it worked even on you as you also had started to wonder how such an odd party could kill and eat such a large beast. "Despite it being a new beast every kraken has an identical weak point!" Beidan could then be seen pointing directly at said weak point "Between the eyes! As long as we manage to hit our blade in that spot we wont wipe out!"

Your eyes filled with determination as you focused on the exact spot the elf pointed at, a grin appearing on your face. "Oh how I love a challenge.." You spoke in excitement before running towards the beast. "Lovu! Cast WaterWalking on the thing!"

Lovu's eyes widened as he couldn't believe such request. "WaterWalking on a kraken!? Are you insane Y/N? Is that even magically possible?!-" "Just do it Lovu!" You cut him off as you continued to run towards the beast, your arm aching at every swing of your sword. You were starting to get tired. "Once you cast it and it is stuck above water.. Traysin I will give you the signal and you better be prepared to hit the final blow!"

"Got it!- wait what?!" It was too late for Traysin to ask questions now he had already agreed to your plan. You nodded at Lovu who looked absolutely terrified, not wanting his mana to go to waste. "Alright.. You've asked for this!" Lovu shouted before aiming his staff up and casting a small stun spell in order to get the Kraken's attention. And it worked because the next thing you knew you watched as the kraken jumped from the water towards Lovu, your eyes widening as it jumped over the entire party.

Lovu concentrated as he ran forward while making sure the tip of his staff touched the entire length of the kraken, continuously casting WaterWalking. Your heart felt as if it went up into your throat as you silently hoped the spell would work, sweating bullets at the sight of the kraken in the air. Soon the kraken hit the surface of the water and bounced a bit, the water rippling a bit but confirming to the party that it worked. The kraken was now facing the party while being stuck above the surface of the lake, it's tentacles waving around manically as it didn't like it's predicament.

You grin wildly as you couldn't believe you were still alive to witness this sight, having died about 15 times before even making it to the fourth floor. "Alright! Good boy Lovu!" You called out to the Kobold before running towards the kraken with Traysin running close behind you.

"Wait Y/N What do you mean I'll give the final blow?!" Traysin tried to speak to you with his voice full of nervous worry. But before he could even receive an answer you quickly let out a loud whistle which was the signal, flipping your sword and holding onto the blade with your protected hands and using the handle to pick Traysin up by the back of his cloak. This obviously caught him off guard but before he could react you spun once and threw him towards the kraken.

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