Who cares?

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"You two know each other?" Jin's head swerved from one to the other.
"We recently became....acquainted .." Jimin said with an innocent look at his friend.
"Met him in a bar last night I was working there," Jimin answered an innocent smile but a knowing gleam in the eye directed at Jungkook.
"Oh well how's that for coincidence," Namjoon smiled.
"Well if that's all I'll get back to work," Jimin said.
"Wait!" That domineering tone had Jimin quirking an eyebrow.
"Er yes...I have a project...you would be ideal for it.."
"What project?"
"I want you to work with me,I'm taking photographs for my next show...I think you would be ideal."
"Aren't photographers supposed to be sleazy," Jimin said deliberately riling the other.
"Jimin! Kooks famous,he could make you famous!"
"Nah,I don't think so...." Jimin sauntered off the three looking at him in disbelief.
"I don't believe him...did he say no?" Jungkook asked dumbfounded.
"He must not know how good you are.." Namjoon said.
"I see why you want him he's very expressive....sometimes he's unaware of the vibe he gives off,I've seen men and women lust after him even when he just walks by and when he truly smiles it makes you want to smile right back..."
Jungkook felt uncomfortable with Jin's words,who was lusting after Jimin?
"So does he have a....partner,is that what would stop him?"
"No he's free as a bird....i wish he would find someone,"
"Can. Talk to him?"
"We will send him over,don't go without saying goodbye..."
Jungkook nodded and five minutes later his one night stand threw himself down in the seat opposite.
"Look I said no already I'm only here because Jin asked."
"You were much more....cooperative last night..."
"Yer well that was then....."
"Why don't you want the job?"
"I don't want my bad parts photographed for all to see,"
"Bad parts?"
"You know my cheeks are puffy my mouths too big.."
"What mirror are you looking in?"
Jimin frowned when he saw the others sincerity.
"Who else will be in it?"
"Just you..."
"I don't think many will want see pics of me what's the theme?"
"Man in all his stages,happy sad,asleep,naked"
"Well not totally naked more hint of..."
Jimin chuckled. ," you think people want to see my ass....!"
"I do...as I remember it's a very....nice ass,"
Things got heated as they stared at each other.
"How long for?"
"About three weeks....."
"Ok? You haven't even asked the pay!"
"Who cares as long as I cover my rent I'm fine"
"No wonder Jin worries about you..."
"He does?I don't know why.......?"
"You seem to just jump into things......"
"Look you want me or not I don't care either way."
Jungkook certainly wanted Jimin and not just for the photographs..,he found himself studying the other,those plump lips the elegant neck,his eyes travelled downwards.
"Er hello,face is up here!"
Caught out Jungkook covered himself,
"I'm guessing your size,I provide the garments for my personal work..."
"Oh sorry looked like you were checking me out..."
"Why when I've already seen the goods?"
Jimin flushed and glanced away," yer I suppose you have,no need to sample again is there I'm just the cheap man's caviar not someone like you," he gave a self depreciating laugh," you sure I'll be good enough to use?"
"Why do that,put yourself down?"
"It's reality...as my dear mother once said," there's beautiful people then theres you Jimin,don't get above your station ,your more  like brass than gold be happy to get what your given."
" sounds like your mother isn't very motherly."
"Oh she said that the third time I turned a girl down she wanted me to marry."
"What did you say?"
"That I'm gay in preference and attitude so will take what life throws at me,but I know I'll never be gold standard in anyone's eyes so I'll aim for silver......when do you want me to meet up?"
"How about I pick you up in the morning at your place and we get the clothes then back to my studio?"
"Hmmmmm......Ok !" He took a notepad from his apron scribbling down an address," what time?"
"Ok,well I'll get back to work see ya,"
He turned away walking quickly unaware of Jungkooks heated gaze on his backside.
Jungkooks pants twitched," I know I know but down boy,wait we will soon see him again and maybe there will be time to play....."
Jungkook stood up looking for Jin who was at the counter staring at Jimn who was taking an order from some men.
He walked over," I'm going Jin say Bye to Namjoon for me .."
"Eh...oh yer sure.."
"What's up?"
"That guy...he's looking Jimin over like he's his lunch!"
Jungkook turned in time to see Jimin bend down to hear what the man was saying and the man took the opportunity to caress Jimin's ass.
Annoyed Jin went to walk over but Jungkook stopped him.
"Let me....."
He walked over to the group seeing Jimin stare angrily at the man.
He grabbed Jimin's waist pulling him to him.
"Hey babe,I'm off now ...." He placed a passionate kiss on Jimin's plump lips not boy surprising Jimin but the man trying to touch him up.
Jungkook then turned to the man,
"Don't touch what isn't yours.....who knows what will happen to that hand!"
His domineering presence and humourless stare at the man made him sit back and apologise.
"No offense I'm sorry mister,"
"Apologise to him not me!"
"Yer er sorry,I don't know what I was thinking,"
Jimin looked at Jungkook who gave him an innocent look so he smirked then said evilly,
"Yes you're lucky...my boyfriend here put the last man who did that in hospital,bye 'Babe', I'll miss you."
Jimin let his hand trail down Jungkooks back then squeezed his ass before walking away to the counter to put in the orders giggling when he saw Jin's open mouth.
"You two kissed!"
"No he kissed me to shut that guy up,close your mouth you look like a goldfish!"
He turned feeling Jungkooks eyes burning into his back,then blew a kiss in his direction before going to another table.
Jungkook walked out adjusting his suddenly tight trousers.hed only meant to stop the hands on guy but as soon as he'd kissed Jimin he'd wanted more.
"Damn it maybe I should have taken Rose up on her offer..." he said out loud then his stomach churned at the thought as if in some way he'd be betraying....Jimin?
"Ugh,I need to get out more...."
He got back to work getting Hobi to set up a contract and Tae to rent a local house that had modern spacious rooms that he knew would fit his plan.
"Hobi I'm going clothes shopping with him tomorrow ,"
"But we have clothes you prepared?"
"No he's slimmer more petite I want a different vibe,give the other stuff away see if any staff want them first.."
"Are you kidding Tae and I had our eyes on a few of the pieces!"
"Whatever ,take what you want ,I'll bring him here after shopping to discuss the terms and conditions explain the daily routine..."
"Is it a closed room affair?"
"Not all of them,let's see how he does....."
"You sound more enthusiastic for this than you did before?"
"Hmmmm? I'm just glad it's sorted,right I'm going to check through Rose's photos and get a courier to take them over to her agent."
"Ok let me know and I'll book one"
Jungkook spent a busy afternoon then got ready for home
He put his hand in his jacket pocket for his car keys feeling paper in there.Taking it out he realised it was Jimin's address ,he put it on his phone so he wouldn't lose it frowning slightly as he realised he lived in a not so well off area.
He took his phone out and called Jin.
"Hey Kook thanks for saving Jimin today although you saved him in a unique way...!"
"It was to get that letch off him.....is Jimin really living in this area?" He reeled off the address
"Unfortunately yes,it's all he could afford after he didn't get the deposit back from his last place,he had to move out after his parents made it awkward for him to be there,the landlord made out Jimin owed him the deposit for wear and tear,ridiculous Jimin actually did the place up."
"Why didn't he get a lawyer and fight it?"
"He has no savings his parents make it their aim in life to ruin him so he'll have to go home and do their bidding."
"Jesus!yet he seemed so unconcerned about how much I'd pay him?"
"Because he looks at it the more he has the more they will take......"
"Not a nice way to live....."
"I know,while he's with you try and talk some sense into him..,"
"I doubt he'll listen to a stranger ..."
"With your charm?maybe you won't be strangers for long...!"
"On that note I'll say goodbye..." Jungkook hung up then left to drive home .

It started that nightWhere stories live. Discover now