Time goes on

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Jungkook waited in the wings for Jimin it was his last concert of the tour.
As he'd known Jimin had taken the world by storm,he'd thrown himself whole heartedly into continuing his dance and having vocal lessons.
Suga had got him to record a demo tape and Jimin had been thrown into the spotlight,that was four years ago and as Jimin's star rose Jungkook put on hold some of his life,travelling with Jimin but also taking candid shots of the countries he'd visited.
Jimin had persuaded him to finally hold a show of these photographs and his name was back in the spotlight .
He'd forgotten how much he enjoyed this but tried to just pass it off to Jimin,he didn't want the other to worry that he was holding him back. His mind came back to the present as his lover spoke.
"Dear fans,you know u love you all but this is going to be my last major tour."
Jungkook frowned what was going on?
"I will still record now and then but I have two other passions in life,dance as you know is part of my repertoire but I want to encompass it more by teaching others which will be my main job from now on ,my biggest passion in life is my partner,whom I've never discussed within the media but I'm about to put right,his name is Jeon Jungkook...yes that's right,,,,the Jeon Jungkook famous photographer whom I met when I modelled for him.He has been my permanent fan club on this journey with you ....always there always standing by my side.....I want to be there for him too...I assure you his talent far exceeds mine and through him helping me to find myself I realise all I really want is a living partner and a home to go to,the first is easy but the second gets harder as you become famous....I'm not deserting you completely,I'm finding a new path I hope you will support me...oh come to my dance classes!!! Bye love you all"
Waving Jmin walked off stage straight into a bewildered Jungkooks arms.
"What's going on?"
"You heard,it's my turn to support you...I've bought a place I can teach dance it has to be done out but it's in town close to your company."
"But you don't have to give up your dream!"
"It was something. Wanted to do I've done it and am moving on...."
"No buts...I have a new dream,more time with you get a dance school up and runnng...oh and I want a new house..."
"New house?"
"Yer,somewhere with a bit of character not modern,somewhere we start the next chapter of our lives "
"You sure?"
A month later and Jimins school was nearly done ,Jungkooks show had been a hit and he'd been asked to do a portrait of youth in different guises. Jimin had suggested he take photos of his beginners classes when they started which he'd agreed to then sports clubs had been on the agenda all to start in two weeks.
Jimin had noticed something was in Jungkooks mind and asked his friends at the coffee shop if they had noticed anything.
"With Kook,nope same as always," Jin said
"Hey Jin have you got the catere.....,oh Jimin hi" a nervous looking Tae said.
"Hey Tae...you sneaked out?"
"Huh,oh yer...erm two coffees Jin,"
Jin seemed to glare daggers at Tae.
"What's with you two oh didn't you want a phone number Tae"
"Me..phone number...oh er"
"You mean the street carers right Tae you said their food was ok not too spicy right?" Jin butted in
"That's it yeh...saves me cooking...."
"Tae you should come to ours Kookie is a great cook,oh look at the time got to go,choosing paint colour for the studios bye guys."
Jimin rushed out.
""Idiot..you nearly let it out!!"
"I didn't know he was here!"
"Well check in future!"
"Kook said are you sure the caterers have the menu ?"
"Yes of course it's only two days away,how's he getting Jimin there?"
"I don't know ,Hobi Suga and I will be there from nine sorting the place out with the help of an agency."
"Joonie and I are arriving at twelve once the temps are here and know what they are doing,god I'm so excited!!"
"Me too can't wait to see Jimins face!"
The following day Jungkook arrived home with two suit bags.
"Hey baby can you wear this tomorrow to the party?"
"Party what party?"
"Oh no! I'm sorry I've been so busy I forgot,the media are doing this thing about my intended shows and I thought to do it as a party for staff at the house we used when you modelled for me...if your busy it's ok my fault for forgetting I'm just used to you being with me..." Jungkook sighed hanging his head
"Of course I'll be there silly don't worry," Jimin hugged Jungkook to him missing the devilish glint in Jungkooks eyes.
The next day Jimin fidgeted in the car seat.
You don't think we are overdressed for this party?"
"No why you look amazing"
"Actually I kinda like this fitted black suit with white shirt and black choker sets my blonde hair off to perfection," Jimin giggled
"Damn right  and I think I look kinda sexy in same suit but manly black diamonte tie.."
"Very sexy makes me wanna jump your bones!"
"Later baby later...."
"Oh it looks like lots of people are here already ," Jimin murmured seeing parked cars," I love this house it will be nice to look around again."
They entered the house and heard muted voices .
"Oh hey guys you're here!"
"Jin ? Joonie?"
"Hey Jimin you're looking good,oh Kook I need to show you something."
Namjoon led Jungkook away while Jin stood by Jimin.
"How come you two are here?"
"Us,well we are both your friends,look at this rose I found n the garden put it in your buttonhole,I've got one too."
"Jin are you ransacking the place it's on loan!"
"I'm sure the owners won't mind there doesn't it look good?"
"We do look dashing let's go find the party"
"Right let's go"
Jin walked towards where the large patio windows were covered by voile curtains .
He could here talking then as Jin pulled the door open it went quiet.
"What's going on?" Jimin whispered
"Welcome to your wedding chick,"
Jimin stepped through to find the garden decked out with bunting seats tables and a raised platform stage.
A wedding march sounded and people lined up to make an aisle.
Jin bent his arm," shall we?"
Automatically hooking his arm in the other they walked forward Jimin saw friends from work and his and Jungkooks special friends at the front smiling,Suga,Tae,Hobi,Namjoon  and on the platform Jungkook stood with a celebrant.
In passed Jimin's arm to Jungkook who nodded and held his hand.
The service passed in a blur for Jimin who sniffled as he said to love and cherish always...
He tearfully smiled as Jungkook slipped a beautiful ring on his finger then he slipped a matching one in Jungkooks.
"You may kiss your husband"
Jungkook kissed Jimin as passionately as when they were alone.
"Kookie!" Jimin squeaked embaressed while everyone laughed.
There was a buffet meal done by the ' caterers' Jimin realised as Tae grinned at him.
They were greeted by everyone and Jimn couldn't stop smiling.
"So the media thing was a lie?" He pouted at Jungkook
"Afraid so,I knew your caring nature would get you here if I said that!"
"Jeon Jungkook you lied to your husband!"
"Jeon Jimin,I lied to my boyfriend I'll never lie to my husband!"
Jimin giggled loudly.
They cut their wedding cake,a gift made by Jin and thoroughly enjoyed by everyone.
Music filled the air as the day wore on and the newly married couple slow danced.
Gradually the caterers started clearing up and guests left.
"See you guys it was a lively wedding ," a tipsy Hobi giggled.
"He means lovely " Suga muttered holding the other up.
"That's what I said,c'mon Suga let's get you home"
"Bye guys," hoisting Hobi up they left.
"It was great,Jin I loved your cake can you make me one!" Tae asked
"Are you getting married?"
"Well there's your answer come on Joonie let's leave these two to their finagling "
"Finagling?" Jimin whispered to his husband
"Sex baby,marital sex"
"Oh" Jimin blushed cutely
Everyone had left and Jimin looked around the empty house.
"We had better go ...."
"We are staying..."
"Oh have we got the house tonight too?"'
"We have the house forever,my wedding gift to you,the owners finally put it up for sale and I got it,this is our forever home."
"Really! Oh god I do love you,the wedding,the house I can't believe it."
"Anything for you baby I'd go to the ends of the earth for you...."
"Likewise my darling husband,now let me show you my appreciation ..."
He pulled Jungkook upstairs
"Oh yes baby but leave the choker on,I've been imagining you naked with that on showing off your milky white skin...."
"Yes your pervert...and maybe a few photos for my personal viewing?"
"Maybe a video,yer a video would be nice...hey!"
Jungkook chased after his fleeing husband and captured him easily...
"Mine your all mine ...."
Murmured words,gentle sighs and a lifetime of promises.........who would have known it would come to this from that night long ago...........


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01 ⏰

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