Loved totally

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When Jungkook heard those words and felt the kiss he gave a sigh of relief then he stood up turning to drag Jimin's body up close to his and claimed the lips he'd wanted.
Passion erupted and soon both were partially dressed laying on the bed Jungkook hovering over Jimin.
"I'm going to make you scream my name so you know who you belong to..."
"You reckon?" Jimin said sassily
With a glint in his eye Jungkook stood up and stripped of the rest of his clothes, placing a hand on himself as Jimin watched and rubbing .
Jimin looked on mesmerised as he saw what he would be getting and then rapidly took the rest of his clothes off..
"Eager?But you kept me waiting for you for so long....lie down..."
Pouting Jimin did his eyes still on the prize.
Jungkook rifled in a drawer bringing out a long scarf.
"You know sometimes your pleasure intensifies by not seeing what's happening next,do you trust me?"
Jimin nodded and Jungkook tied the scarf over his eyes,before kissing against Jimin's collarbone where he knew he was sensitive and hearing the other gasp.
Jimin went to reach for Jungkook but,
"Oh no touching..."
There was a clink and Jimin felt something on his wrist before his arms were lifted above his head and then something was put in his other wrist,he tugged but he was attached to the headboard.
"Handcuffs?kinky...." He smiled
"Now I can have my wicked way with you," murmured Jungkook.
An assault of the senses began as Jungkook kissed and nipped his way down Jimin's body,he sucked on Jimin's nipples til they peeked and became sensitive,all the while he was touching Jimin bringing him to a needy peak.
Jungkook spread Jimin's legs wide and bent down licking along his arousal.
As he played with him bringing out breathy gasps and moans he rubbed a finger at his entrance then as he took Jimin into his mouth he pushed one long finger inside.
Jimins moan made Jungkook flick his tongue across and along the others length all the while pumping inside Jimin who strained upwards wanting his release.More fingers were added and Jimin whimpered in pleasure then jerked high when Jungkooks fingers found the bundle of sensitive nerves inside.
His body was so sensitive to Jungkooks demands.
Jungkooks own body hardened even more he removed his mouth from Jimin who whined his displeasure but stopped when after deftly removing his fingers the other made short work of plunging deeply inside Jimin continuing thrusting against those sensitive nerves until with a high keen Jimin released marking them both.
Jungkook determined not to come just yet gripped the base of his member for stalling his release although it was hard with Jimin clenching against him.
Withdrawing he flipped Jimin over bringing his ass up and plunging into him again pounding his oversensitised nerves.
"Ah Kookie.....too much...." He gasped
"Not enough baby....."
Jungkook reached around encompassing Jimin's sensitive member rubbing its tip hearing Jimin's gasps and as Jimin got harder the more he teased but it was becoming hard for him to not come himself.
"I...said(pant) I wanna hear you....scream name(pant)"
"Oh god Kookie too much too much ..."
"Come on baby ...I'm gonna pound your ass so good...whose are you?"
"Y...yours,oh god I'm gonna cum again KOOKIEEEEEE!"jimn screamed out his pleasure  and at last Jungkook groaned out aloud his much needed release." Fuuuuuuuuuck!!"
Jimin's shaky legs gave way and he flopped onto the bed Jungkook on top of him.Jimins harsh breaths made Jungkook slip to the side and reach up to take the cuffs off and undo the scarf.
"Jimin you ok?"
"Mmmm," a muffled retort came back and Jungkook rolled Jimin on his back.
The other tried to take a deep breath weakly giggling.
"I feel so........fucked," he pronounced
Jungkook smiled down at him." I tried my best can always try again to do better?"
"You touch  my ass right now and I'll cut your dick off!"
"Bit extreme!"
"Oh yeah,let me fuck your ass to the point that you nearly pass out from pleasure overload then tell me if it was extreme!"
In answer jungkook rolled over Jimin" but you're so receptive,especially when I kiss you here,mmm and there...."
"And if I touch you just here....."
The next moment both were kissing and cuddling and despite Jimins remark made low slowly ,sighs and moans,skin against skin until each released pleasurably.
"I love you Kookie," Jimin moaned out
"I love you too baby with all my heart"
Both drifted off to a comforting sleep wrapped messily in each others arms.
Jimin woke an hour later hot and sticky. He smiled at his lovers sleeping face then gently extricated himself from the bed.
"Damn," he moaned as he stood up aches in his lower back.
He quietly left the room going to shower in his old room so he didn't wake the other ,he washed grinning at marks on his body where Jungkook had used his mouth,he was rinsing off when he thought he heard his name then seconds later the bathroom door crashed open as he heard a frantic" JIMIN????"
He was engulfed in strong arms and he felt the other shaking.
"Kookie?what's the matter?"
"I was dreaming I couldn't find you and when I woke you weren't there I thought you'd left me again!"
He pressed a searing kiss on Jimins lips.
Jimin stroked his wet hair," I won't leave you I'm totally yours always,now come on clean up and feed your lover I'm hungry"
Jungkook did so but demanded Jimin stay with him then pulled him along to his room while he dressed.
"But my clothes are in my room?!"
"I don't care put this t shirt of mine in and these sweatpants."
Laughing Jimin did so the clothes drowning his small frame.
"I'll strip your bed off it's messy ,"
"Our bed,you stay in here now and I'll help."
Working together the bed was stripped and remade in no time at all.
It was hours later when they were sprawled together supposedly watching a film together but really just cuddling and kissing that Jimn sighed and asked his lover ,
"What job should I do? I'm not great at much I'm not at jobs long enough?"
"What have you always really wanted to do?"
"I wanted to be a good dancer maybe sing...."
"We'll enrol somewhere to hone your skills,I'll support you."
"But I don't want to be away from you"
"Well when you become famous I'll travel with you, a camera can travel"
"But if I'm not famous ever I might have to be a back up dancer and travel with them...or find I'm not good enough. And then what?"
"Then we look for something else til you find your skills."
"What did I do to deserve you?I promise not to be a burden and will get a part time job I'm not a scrounger"
"I don't care if you never work as long as I have you as long as your happy,"
"That's easy I'll love you every single day twenty four hours!"
"That's fine by me that's a full time job right there,"
Jimin reached up and kissed him knowing he'd finally got his man.

It started that nightWhere stories live. Discover now