The time is right

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"So Jimin how did you find this whole new experience?"
The interviewer spoke kindly,Jimin was nervous but tried to look calm.
"Well I've done lots of different jobs but this was not like work it was quite fun Mr Jeon s very skilled at putting people at ease."
"Mr Jeon?you always call him that?"
"No...I just suppose I'm nervous being here...I sometimes called him bossy," Jimin stated easily
"That's true ,Jimin put me in my place when. Needed it," Jungkook laughed smiling at the smaller male.
"It seems you two got on well...have you grown close...the bathroom photos both must have felt at ease doing them they turned out exceptionally well?"
"You can't stand on ceremony when you're running hot taps to steam the room up so nothing naughty shows!"Jimn said candidly
The host burst out laughing,
"I can imagine ! But the results speak for themselves,very candid sexy shots but by the sound of it you did it and wrapped up quickly!!"
Jimin and Jungkooks eyes met remembering what went on after.
"People think it's all razzle dazzle ,but for a photo to look good you need a decent subject and right detailing ,luckily it didn't take too long so Jimin didn't look like a prune at the end of it..." Jungkook laughed while his gaze showed he preferred the aftermath.
"So what next for Jeon Jungkook,you've done the male and female version is there thoughts of what next?"
"Honestly with all the coverage this last one has amassed I've not thought ahead."
"And you Jimin?"
"Well...I'll just look for a job ,I'm not bothered where,"
"I heard there are rumours that a famous jewellery manufacturer wants you as their model?"
"Well that's more than I'm aware of ....i don't know if I'd feel as comfortable with someone else taking photos...,we clicked it may not be as fun."
Jungkook smiled at these words...he had been so good these last few days making Jimin healthy,treating him as a good friend,they had been like an old married couple sitting watching tv before they went to their respective bedrooms,Jungkook relieving his frustrated hormonal body in the silence of his bathroom ,this not being touchy didn't help but if it meant Jimin would willingly come to care he would do anything.
"Well I'm glad Jungkook got you to come he said you were away holidaying when this programme was suggested and insisted you be part of it and he was right,it seems the muse is no longer an enigma,thank you both for coming on...."
The show ended annd the host chatted before shaking their hands.
Jimin hadn't said a word since the cameras stopped recording and he got into the car in silence .
Jungkook quirked an eyebrow at him as he drove ,
"You tired? You've gone quiet?"
"You lied,you said they wanted me but he said it was your idea...."
"Does it matter who suggested it? It went well..."
"Of course it matters...I feel like a charity case...poor Jimin let's try and make him feel good because of his awful parents....."
"It's not like that..."
"Well what is it,I don't know what to believe anymore...I worked for you...we....had a fling ...I don't see you for months,then suddenly you appear again and tell me it's important that I come back with you as I'm needed for a documentary.....if you hadn't of met me that night again would you have tried to find so you made up a story for what,make me feel wanted? Needed?god I'm stupid...I thought...well never mind what I thought,don't play with peoples feelings,I was ok,I know I'm not special and was used to that why give me false hope,were you secretly laughing at what a gullible idiot I am,....."
They were at Jungkooks house and Jimin stormed out the car pressing the key code and starting up the stairs.
"Jimin,it's not like that,I care about you,a lot ,I wanted the documentary to show everyone how amazing you are,you're important to me...Jimin!"
He hurried up the stairs after Jimin only to find the other throwing clothes into a case.
"What are you doing?"
"I just told you I care about you...!"
"Sure you do....."
"It wasn't by accident I found you,I'd been searching for you,you're important to me!"
"Stop it! At least before I felt we were close ,now I'm just an ex lover you're using for your promotion...I can't do it anymore...want a laugh,I'll give you one...,misfit boy falls in love with famous photographer.....I can't pretend anymore that you don't mean anything,I can't bear the way you say goodnight and just go to your room,I feel like old used goods,I can't blame you,you never promised anything but I'm waiting all the time for that night you bring someone home and make my heart shatter even more...funny huh,that's why I'm going,I know I'm nothing to you and I'm done."
"Nothing? You're everything I want!"
"Really? That's why you've kept your distance,hell you made damn sure u had my own room and didn't contaminate yours!thanks for letting me stay but I'm going...."
Jimin went to grab his suitcase but was picked up and thrown over a shoulder and slapped in his ass.
"I don't care?I'll show you!"
Jungkook marched to his room going in and throwing Jimin on the bed.
"See I'm always thinking of you!"
Jimin stared furiously at the other
"What that you want a temporary fuckbuddy?"
Jungkook pointed behind Jimin making him frown and turn only to gape at the two large black and white framed photographs of himself asleep.
"Every night I talk to you,every night my body reacts to you...I felt lost when you went,that's why I had to get someone to find you,to make sure you were safe,I didn't like how your parents treated you I wanted to protect you,I didn't want to rush you,I wanted to court you make you like me as much as I liked you,not make you think it was just for sex...of course I couldn't let you in here and see these.......I took these after we made love,my guilty pleasures....they kept me sane these months....I love you Jimin..."
He sank despondently into the bed his back to the other his head hung low.
Minutes later two small hands crept round his neck from behind and plump lips kissed an ear.
"Idiot....why didn't you just say? How about you show me your love right here,right now?"

It started that nightWhere stories live. Discover now