Lover be mine

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Hmm sat quietly in the car seat his embarrassment at waking up sprawled all over Jungkook still evident by his red face.
Jungkook drive him to his helping him pack while he advised his landlord of his leaving.
Soon they were n the road again it took two and a half hours to get back and once in Seoul Jungkook drove straight to Jin's .
"Come on, he's missed you"
Jimin couldn't help the beaming smile as he walked in.
Jimin was hugged tightly.
"Omg I missed you sweetie how are you are you back for good,Omg love the hair..."
"Jin...don't squeeze so tight!"
"What?oh...,why are you so skinny?"
Jin eventually let go and allowed Jimin to talk.
"I'm good,yes I'm back,hi Namjoon,"
"Hey Jimin...Kook"
"Let me get you drinks and some cake..." Jin rushed off
Jimin sat down rubbing his ribs,
"Im sure he's cracked one!"
"He's pleased to see you glad Jungkook found you"
"Found me? We accidentally met,he came to see an art gallery in the town I was in.."
"Oh right,coincidence .."Namjoon gave a small smile
"What's a coincidence ?" Jin asked
"Jimin was just telling me how Jungkook happened to visit the town he was in and they accidentally met,"
Jin snorted then changed it to a cough,
"Well good for us he was there ..."
Jungkook kept his face straight at all this as poor Jimin was the only one who didn't know how Jungkook had tracked him down.
"Guess what Jungkook shut my parents up!"
"Well we did hear that through Suga he was mad as hell on your behalf."
"It means I can stay not be forced out!"
"So if you need any help I'm available although I may have to do some media thing about his photos,"
"Our friend is famous!"
"Not me him,they are his photographs.."
"But your the muse take the credit Jimin," Jungkook murmured
"Look I have to go ....find somewhere to stay but I'll be back "
"You can stay at mine ," Jungkook announced
"What of course I can't."
"Because...well what if you want know someone over..."
"I don't let people stay over,"
"But your letting me why?"
"Because it will be nice to have someone I talk too,"
"Go on Jimin he spends too much time alone "
"But...." Jimin saw three pairs of eyes on him goading him to agree," ok until I find somewhere I like,"
"Good," Jungkook said satisfied
They stayed half an hour more and then Jungkook drove to his.
He started carrying Jimin's things upstairs then remembered what was in his room,oh no...too soon!
"You can have the room down the hall ok?"
"What...oh right of course ..." jimin mumbled why had he assumed he'd be in with jungkook ....
Just wait a bit baby Jungkook thought smiling to himself as he saw Jimin's pout.
"You get settled in I'll start a meal....."
It didn't take Jimin long to unpack and he washed up then went to go downstairs sighing as he glanced at Jungkooks closed door.
His stomach rumbled at the enticing aromas coming from the kitchen and he stopped in the doorway as he saw Jungkook sleeves rolled up showing his muscled tattooed arm stirring something in a pan while dropping in ingredients with the other. His hair had a top into keeping its wavy length out of his eyes while he concentrated....did this man know how attractive he was thought Jimin.
"Want any help?" He asked
Jungkook looked up," oh your done,no everything that needs to be done has been,,oh and we have a meeting in five days with the media outlet."
"Oh...I'll see if Jin wants help..."
"You need to eat and rest...,"
"Don't be silly...."
Jungkook turned the heat down on the stove and came and stood hands on hips in front of the other .
"It's not silly you look worn out and pale..."
"I can work ...I'm not a wimp,"
"Ok let's put it this way ,you're going to be on a tv the model everyone has been admiring and right now you look like his undernourished twin!"
Jimin gulped,he hadn't thought about that.
"Do I really look so bad...?" He asked chewing his bottom lip.
"Don't ," Jungkook said brushing his thumb over the softness of Jimin's lip," you'll make it bleed."
Jimin felt tingles go through him at Jungkooks touch,how he wanted to throw himself at the other ...but it seemed Jungkook didn't see him in that light,he was a passing fancy and now just.....friends.
"Ok...but I'll need to work soon..."
"Get healthy then you can think about it,no hurry you'll be paid for your appearance..."
"I will? It seems shocking to take money when it's about your work..."
"Our work Jimin...our work ."
Jungkook turned and went back to the stove and soon they were both sitting down to a tasty meal.
They chatted about this and that and Jungkook questioned Jimin on his singing and dancing.
"That was so long ago......I'm not sure what. Preferred most ,although the dancing gave me a sense of release."
"Suga is your number be fan,told me so much about your time spent together ."
Jimn smiled," he has more talent in his little finger than I have in my whole body!"
"Yer,but he gives off the grumpy old man vibe to a tee !"
Jimin started laughing hard," ha,ha I told him! I used to call him grandpa,because he made everything look such an effort!"
They both laughed at the coincidence .
Jungkook stood up to clean up but Jimin put his hand on his arm to stop him.
"I'll do it you cooked"
"But your a guest,"
"I want to help and won't stay unless you let me earn my keep." Jimin stated trying to look like he was in charge.
Jungkook thought how cute he looked.
"Ok I'll let you but it doesn't work you trying to be dominant ..."
"Oh yer...why?" Jimin asked hands on hips and potting.
"Because I know you're a bottom and like being submissive ..!"
Jimins mouth gaped,his face reddened and he turned quickly to stack up the dishes ignoring Jungkooks chuckling.
"If you don't mind Jimn I have to make a few calls,feel free to watch tv or use the garden."
Jungkook disappeared and Jimin quickly cleaned up.
He wandered into the sitting room picking up ornaments and looking at photos of Jungkook with what looked like models at different award ceremonies. He sniffed at the way women seemed to cling to his arm," trollops!" He muttered.
He then went to the patio doors looking out he saw a hammock.
He went out and tried it out giggling as he nearly tipped out then sighing as he lay back and got comfortable.
The late afternoon sun had him squinting and then closing his eyes,humming a tune before it became silent and he lay sound asleep.
"No he's fine Suga he's staying with me and I took my friend up on the offer of filming a tv programme about how I work and who's my he doesn't have a clue I have been searching for him...I'm doing like you said taking it slow and courting him...ok see you soon."
Jungkook put down his phone he'd been chatting for a long time,rearranging his schedule and then asking Suga to thank his friend.
He stood up walking out of his study looking around to find Jimin.
The house was silent then he saw the patio doors were open and walked out to find Jimn sound asleep.
He quietly walked up to him admiring him and bending down pressed a fleeting kiss to his lips.
Jimin stirred and Jungkook hurriedly stepped back a bit and as Jimin's eyes opened he pretended to have just walked up,
"Oh there you are sorry I took so long ...did you fall asleep?"
"What,er no,no of course not,just laying here admiring your garden," Jimin lied.
"Right,so do you fancy coming with me I need my hair trimmed?"
"But you look great,erm I mean why cut it?"idiot Jimin do you have to fawn over him!!
"Thanks but I don't like it too much in my eyes and I need to look ok for the tv show."
"Oh I forgot that,do you think they could style mine a bit?"
"Sure,the colour suits you,your like a little porcelain doll ."
"I'm not little!"
"Of course your not come on ..."
Jungkook drove them to what Jimin realised was an exclusive hairdressers,the sort you didn't ask the prices .
"Erm...maybe we should just get yours done,I'm happy to sit and watch."
Jungkook frowned about to ask why when he saw Jimin's nervousness ,shit he hadn't thought twice about coming here.
"Ah Mr Jeon a pleasure as always,"
"Thanks Gerard my friend wants his done too..."
"No problem...hey aren't you Mr Jeons latest find the one in his show?"
"Er yes..."
"Oh my goodness it's a pleasure let me do your hair on the house  let me style the perfect style for you!"
"Come,come with me,u shall do yours personally you want a colour?....."he pulled a bewildered Jimin over to a seat and mirror,playing with Jimin's hair and making suggestions,jimin stared in the mirror looking at Jungkook who shrugged his shoulders then walked to another seat and sat down to get his hair done.
"Voila!" The man spun Jimn back to face the mirror allowing him to see himself for the first time.his hair had thin highlights of brown through it,the cut was shorter at the sides and back but linger and swept back on top the layers catching the light as they fell easily into place..
"OH my goodness you are so good,I love it"
"Hey Gerard ,stand next to him," Jungkook said, he clicked a picture in his phone," I'll get it printed and framed and send it to you for your wall of fame."
"Wall of fame?" Jimin asked
"Yes here.... I have many celebrities that request my services so I hang their pictures here,yours will take pride of place...!"
"Me but I'm not famous ?"
"Ha you joke,everyone wants to know who the muse is!"
Jimin looked at Jungkook who nodded.
"Wow!!!im famous instead of infamous as I used to be..." Jimin murmured and Jungkook knew he was referring to the way his parents trolled him.
"Well thanks Gerard,see you soon..."
Jin was quiet on the way back.
"You okay Jimin?"
"Huh...oh yes,sorry I was just thinking..."
"Good or bad thoughts?"
"I let them rule how I lived for so long,changed my whole way of living because of them...all it needed was for me to stand up to them,face their bias,how could I have been so stupid?"
"Their your parents you tried to please them when that didn't work you tried to ignore their displeasure hoping the problems would go away."
"I said u wasn't a wimp earlier...,I the biggest wimp going I have no backbone...."
"Stop it ,you are an amazing person you give  so much to others. You just forget to be kind to yourself...."
"I'm glad I found a friend like you....i hope we will always be friends..."
Jimin got out the car so didn't hear Jungkook murmur ," I'll be your lover and friend and you'll be mine."

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