Meet the parents

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Jimin had dyed his hair and was doing odd jobs where he could get them,currently working as a receptionist at a hotel that wasn't exceedingly busy.
"Chim,can you ring the housekeeping room 24 is moaning about a spillage."
Maya currently on reception with him was staring avidly at the screen.
"And you can't because?"
"Don't be mean Chim,look Jeon Jungkook has his show tonight ,it's been in the news his model is gorgeous "
Jimin or Chim as he had decided to call himself around here was suddenly on alert.
"How do you know if the show starts tonight?"
"Silly they have used one photo to promote it! The show is titled' man in all his glory,"
Jimin looked at the screen holding his breath,the poster was one of the minimalist ones from the studio,he looked lean and sultry with a touch of sadness,he remembered the day well.
"Actually he looks a bit like you?"
"Yer right apart from the hair the look and money," he jested putting her off the theme," I'll just ring the housekeeper."
Maya laughed too  " yer as if you'd be working here if you were him!"
Jimin laughed along with her glad when someone came and got her attention,damn he hadn't realised there would be posters promoting it....... He hoped his parents didn't do anything to damage the show.
"Kook there's a Mr and Mrs Park here...Jimins parents " Hobi said standing in the doorway looking flustered.
"Oh right show them in ...,has Jimin answered his invitation?"
"Er no....Iv'e not heard from him."
Jungkook frowned he'd rung Jimins number and got out of service,surely he'd be back now....
Two people were shown in and they looked around as if gaging who they were dealing with.
"Mr and Mrs Park how nice to meet you."
"The woman looked at him then spoke out.
"Mr Jeon am I right in thinking that this show has photographs of Jimin?"
"Yes,it's all centred around him he is an excellent model..."
"You might want to cancel when you hear us out."
"Excuse me?"
"This show...will he get a percentage of it?"
"I'm not sure what you're asking ?Jimin has already been paid well for his work?"
He wasn't sure but he thought he heard her say damn!
"Look is something bothering you? I assure you it was a signed contract with the proviso that if the showings get above a certain percentage he will also get a percentage of that?"
"No!I mean,you don't know who you are dealing with,you've used a little slut for your campaign,he uses people for what he can get from them he shouldn't be promoted he should be despised for the piece of filth he is....."
"I don't think you're describing the Jimin I know...."
"Really,I expect he wasn't in full time work when you came across him?"
"Well no..."
"That's because he acts like a slut around the bosses,he's gay....he will go to any limit...we found him a lovely girl but did he marry her,become respectful no...he liked his reprehensible lifestyle better,the shame he's brought down on us....if it got out that your model is a common little slut how well do you think your show would do?" The woman sneered.
"He is bad news to everyone he gets involved with," the father muttered as his wife nodded.
"You both seem.....very unrelenting towards your son?"
The woman put her hand to her head as if in pain,
"We tried but it hurts to admit he does nothing for us,doesn't listen,acts in that disgusting way,we are only thinking of your reputation....."
Jungkooks office door slammed open and Suga with a flapping Hobi behind him walked in looking angrily at the couple.
"Mr and Mrs Park well no surprise here,trying to ruin your sons reputation again?"
"Sorry Kook I tried to stop him but when I told him Jimins parents were here..."
"It's ok Hobi,Suga you know these people?"
"Unfortunately yes,haven't you two done enough against Jimin?You stopped him going to uni,he had the voice of an angel and his told my parents that you had to stop it before it went further and he got a reputation as a sissy!"
" encouraged his silliness,we are his parents ,he was supposed to get a business degree and marry into a well to do family,you and that stupid school ruined him!"
Jungkook watched astounded at the vitriol spewing from the mother's face.
"You,can't you stand up for your son,she's not his mother and you let her talk like this?" Suga sneered at the father.
"I...she...was his mother since he was three..."
"Yes and I didn't step in to bring up some gay wanna be idol,I should be living well now in a house being cared for by a wealthy daughter in law but no he wouldn't do it,speeed his gay nonsense to anyone who would listen...I'm not having it,I'm not having him beating me,every chance I get I'll ruin his life like he has mine!"
"Your blaming Jimin for not getting you a luxurious lifestyle? Why haven't you worked to gain one,you both have had plenty of years to do well so why are you so reliant on him?" Jungkook asked incredulously.
"What are children for but to provide for their parents?"
"You seriously aren't saying that are you," Suga snorted " my parents told me you couldn't get out of your parents house quick enough because you thought helping in their store was beneath you!"
Mrs Park reddened and her husband had the grave to look ashamed.
"Your parents are just lowlife scum!" Mrs Park screamed shrilly
"How dare you,you filthy mouthed woman ,the times you'borrowed' an outfit from my mother and you,how many times did you sneak to the bar with my dad because you couldn't take her temper anymore?"
"I think you two have said your piece,Jimin deserves better than you two,you're the ones who have let him down,please leave..," Jungkook said dismissively .
"I won't let this lie I'll turn up at your show and spill the beans on him!!!"
"Just to let you know I have very good very expensive lawyers who will sue you two for defamation as soon as you open your mouths,every penny you have will be gone ...I mean what I say,leave Jimin alone or you will be begging on the streets!" Jungkook shouted.
Mr Park hushed his wife up pushing her almost out the door and hurrying off.
"Damn how does Jimin put up with them!"
Suga and Hobi looked at each other," let's go to Jin's we need to tell you something."
Frowning Jungkook walked out with them going the short distance to Jin's.
"Hey guys coffee all round,Suga this place is becoming your second home."
"Blame Hobi once he told me you were friends with Jimin it felt good to come here ."
Jin's smile faltered slightly," yes it's nice to reminisce ,"
Jin disappeared coming back with a tray of coffees and Namjoon following him nodding at the others.
"Jin....his parents went to Kooks.."
"What! Not again damn why is it their objective in life to make him miserable...he knew that's why he left..." he blurted out before clamping a hand over his mouth.
"Left? He's on holiday you mean?"
Namjoon sighed then shook his head," no Kook he left in case they tried to damage your show...he's been gone two weeks."
Jungkook stood up pacing " he can't ,I want him at the show...he should have told me....i knew.....deep down I knew something was bothering him because he would get so sad at times when he thought I wasn't looking,but I always saw him,these last two weeks I e been ringing his number but it said unavailable. How could he just go and leave me....i thought we had something good going on!" He clenched his hands not believing," I'll go round to his place..."
"Don't bother,we did that already when he left a note for us to say he's gone..."
Jungkook flopped down head in hands," he can't,he can't leave me,I had it all planned when he came back from holiday I'd ask him to move in together...."
" him?"Hobi asked
"Who wouldn't it's been so empty without him but I kept telling myself he'd be back soon...why..."
"He's moved on so many times Kook his mother is a devil caused so many problems in places he's worked,tried it here but we told her to get lost....he doesn't do it for himself he does it so others aren't brought into the nonsense and part of him hates the thought of people he likes despising him....he comes back but it usually takes a while he throws them off the r scent then comes back for a while before they somehow find out again to ruin it," Jin said.
"Kook I'm sorry but we have to go get ready for the opening you have to go home and change first,come on don't let them win,show the world your Jimin," Hobi stated.
"We will be there too Kook,can't wait to see what you've done." Namjoon said.
"Right...the show...don't worry guys I will find him and bring him back...I promise you...see you later."
Jungkook left with Suga and Hobi promising to meet him at the gallery.
He got in his car driving home and going straight to his  bedroom staring at the two large prints in the wall,his secret photos of Jimin.
"I'm going to find you Jimin and you'll never leave me again!"
The show as expected was a sell out,patrons of his work had sold stickers put at the side even though they couldn't claim the work for two weeks.Media were taking candid shots and interviewing Jungkook.
"Are you pleased with your show Mr Jeon?"
"Yes I think having such a muse helped the process immensely ,"
"Yet he's not here tonight?"
"He can be rather shy about things like this..."
"You didn't name your muse?"
"As you know I never do it's their choice to reveal it if they want to..."
"I'm sure after tonight everyone will want to know he is amazingly photogenic,"
"He's the kindest sweetest person too"
"Would you consider him again,"
"In a heartbeat."

It started that nightWhere stories live. Discover now