Shy Mr Park?

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The next day they got up and ate breakfast then Jimin asked,
"So these are the photos that more......"
"Raunchy,impactful sexy...yer"
"Can I ask ....why?"
The theme is man in all stages,sad/thoughtful...the ones yesterday,allure....todays,I've done the ones where your smiling and natural then finally I'll do the outside ones and snap what takes my fancy, just walking...whatever,..."
"Oh.....erm so what happens now......"
"You get naked..."
Jimin gulped....." y-your taking naked pics...of me...?"
Jungkook laughed out loud,
"Don't worry nobody will see your bits.....I want you lounging in the bath then steamy shower shots...."
Jimin knew he shouldn't be alarmed but the fact he'd be naked with someone taking photos had him embarrassed.
"I'll run the bath and set my cameras ready you get undressed."
Jungkook disappeared and Jimin sat on the end of the bed fidgeting.
"You ready yet?" Jungkook walked back in frowning when he saw Jimin hadn't changed.
"What's wrong?"
Jimin reddened ,"it feels weird to just walk around naked..."
"Are you shy Jimin? It's not like I haven't seen it all?"
"That's different..."
"Well we...we aren't's just different"
"So you don't want to do it....ok"
Jimin saw the slight dismay in Jungkooks face and stood up," no I can...but in fairness you have to take your top off."
"No problem," Jungkook whipped his top of there and then making Jimin giggle before he slowly undressed.
Jungkooks eyes burned brightly at Jimin's figure,
"You should be proud of your body...come on get in the bath while it's warm."
Jimin scampered in sitting awkwardly upright.
Trying to relax him Jungkook kept up a monologue,
"So bath or shower what do you prefer?"
Jimin leaned back arms over the side bare chest showing and bubbles covering what was needed.
"Bath after a day standing up on my feet...shower if I want things done quickly or after sex," Jimin said naughtily half smile and a sexy look on his face as he turned to Jungkook
"What about sex then a bath together?" Jungkook murmured
"Mmm,rather nice..."
Jimins eyes closed his head tipped back at the thought
Jimin unconciously hooked a leg over the side as he filled his hands with bubbles and blew
Jimin leaned on the side of the bath his chin on his arms as he turned to face Jungkook
"How about you?" He queried
"Bath or shower?"
"Oh....much like you...but I like sex in the bath and shower,"
As he'd imagined Jimin got shy at his words leaning back in the bath and flinging an arm across his face
"You did that on purpose didn't you!"
"Maybe...ok come on out,put a towel around you I will get ready for the shower shots I need to make the bathroom a bit steamier."
Jimin hopped out the bath putting a towel around his waist.
"Turn the hot tap on in the sink,I'll put the shower on to."
Jungkook reached in turning the shower on and Jimin turned the sink on.
Soon the mirror above steamed up,
"Wait a sec," jungkook grabbed his camera
"Keep the towel on and put a hand up to wipe the mirror"
"Great now hold the towel in front of you,no one side higher the lower part covering you ...that's it,now I'm going to be further back you step into the shower I want silouhette shots...turn slightly so your not exposing what you shouldn't be,that's it
"Head under brush your hands through it"
"Sideways on one hand on the wall bend your leg,great"
"Ok these will be nearer but from waist up...just do what you want...."
Jimin grinned to himself as he tipped his head back and started singing moving the shower head from the wall and holding it in front of him letting the water cascade down his front.
Jungkook had been clicking away but then just stood there listening to Jimin sing amazed at his clarity.
"Hey have you finished taking photos?"
" wait a minute just have to check these"
Jungkook disappeared into the bedroom Jimin put the shower head back and just stood under it as water cascaded over him.
He shrieked suddenly as a naked body hugged him from behind with a very obvious arousal.
"You do this with all your models?" Jimin sassed turning to smile up at Jungkook.
"You expected me not to react when your naked around me?"
"So what shall we do about it?"
"How about I bury myself deep inside you I'm as horny as hell?"
"Sounds good to me.."
They kissed passionately hands touching sensitive areas ,jungkook encouraged Jimin to jump up and he brought him down onto his waiting arousal. Leaning Jimins back on the wall as he thrust into him.
"Fuck you feel good,"
"You feel..huge!"
"But it fits every time ..."
"Just fuck me !"
"Yes sir!!"
Jimin held onto Jungkooks shoulders as the other pounded into him he suddenly moaned out loud as Jungkook hit those sensitive nerves inside him.
"Oh god yes right there"
Jungkook loved to hear Jimin's pleasure during sex and he could feel Jimins own arousal rubbing between them. His hands clenched on Jimis ass as he felt a sudden rush and released into the other as Jimins own release came too.
"Kookieeeeee!" He yelled out clenching around the others length.
Jungkook could have remained inside Jimin forever enjoying the pulsating feel of the other on him but Jimin shifted off the hard wall and he gently let him down.
"Your right sex in the shower is good," Jimin giggled
They washed up then dried off going into the bedroom.Jimin lazily threw himself face down on the bed as Jungkook put his cameras carefully on the dressing table.
"I think I've got some great shots,"
""Mmm good"
"I'm going to do some in black and white and some in colour it gives diffent contexts like the steamy shower ones will look better in black and white as opposed to the bath,are you ok now they are done?"
"Jimin?" Jungkook turned to see his lover sprawled on his stomach asleep.
He smiled to himself then as Jimin turned slightly he grabbed a camera clicking away taking chest high ones then Jimin turned on his back one arm resting to the side of him the other on his waist one leg was natural and sexy at the same time and Jungkook guiltily snapped,
"These are for me..."
Jimin sighed in his sleep rolling onto his stomach again his perfect ass in view had Jungkook clicking away again.
"Fuck what are you doing to me..."
He looked down at his aroused state again ,placing his camera down he slid on the bed behind Jimin,lifting the others leg slightly he pushed in his hand reaching for Jimin's own manhood.
His lips kissed along Jimin's neck and the sleepy male woke ," mmmmm Kookie?"
"Sssh,it's ok...I need you again your like a drug...."
He rocked in harder and Jimin moaned in pleasure,he tipped his head back against Jungkook and felt lips kissing the length of his neck.
His own hand closed over Jungkooks as he pleasured Jimin and soon there was the sound of panting breaths and sweating skin against skin.
"I'm gonna cum," Jimin gasped ,Jungkooks hand quickened and Jimin spurted across the sheet
"Fuck...ahhh no!" Jungkook buried himself deep inside Jimin's tightness and released.
They lay there worn out Jungkook still inside the other neither wanting to move.
"Five minutes ...?" Jimin panted tiredly
"Mmm five minutes...." Jungkook agreed his arm around the other holding him close.
An hour later jimin stirred,his eyes opened and at first he felt confused then remembered,he went to get up but an arm held him steadfastly even in his sleep so Jimin snuggled back.
"Soon there won't be this,I should make the most of it...who knew I'd fall so deep?" Jimin murmured he closed his eyes again as tears seeped out but by the time Jungkook awoke he had himself under control and laughed along with the other when his stomach rumbled and they realised they hadn't had lunch.
"Let's wash up and go out?" Jungkook said and Jimin nodded trying not to let any sadness show.

It started that nightWhere stories live. Discover now