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they don't know about the "i love yous"

REGINA RESISTED THE urge to smile ear-to-ear as she walked along the familiar corridors of the Jedi Temple. She soaked in the familiarity of the place, enjoying the happiness she felt.

Her first real mission as a Jedi Knight—and a general, for that matter—had been a massive success. After her battalion had demolished the opposition and had sent the remnants flying, they'd made their way back to the Capital. Now, Regina was hoping to see her husband before one of them was sent off again. He and Kenobi had also recently returned from a mission, though theirs hadn't taken nearly as long as Regina's had.

Regina nodded to a passing Padawan who stepped out of her way to allow her to pass by in the crowded corridors. Most of the Knights and their Padawans had returned from distant planets, and Regina couldn't help but wonder why. The Temple was fuller than it had been in a long time, and the hallways were jammed with Jedi of all kinds.

"Didn't know you were back."

Regina glanced away from the Padawan and made eye contact with Skywalker. He was standing in the center of the busy hallway, his arms crossed over his chest, his Padawan braid hanging over his right shoulder. A small smile played over his face and his eyes danced with delight.

The moment she saw him, Regina's heart leapt in her chest. Despite the bustling crowd all around her, all she saw was him. A smile lit up her face—one she forced back instantly—and she made her way over to him. She willed herself to walk slowly, to not run, but even so, it felt as if she were flying.

"Could say the same about you, Skywalker." She replied in her old fashion, stopping five feet from him, looking up into his vibrant blue eyes. His smile deepened and Regina knew that if she wasn't careful, the two of them could very easily be in major trouble.

"Ah, here you are, Anakin."

The sudden arrival of Kenobi snapped Regina out of her trance. He'd come from seemingly nowhere, though that wasn't too difficult considering how many people were in the corridor.

"Regina, good to see you." Obi-Wan smiled, nodding his head respectfully to his fellow—though younger—Jedi Knight. Regina bowed her head back.

"You as well, Master Kenobi." Before Regina could say anything else, Obi-Wan turned back to Anakin.

"Before the two of you get into any major arguments—" He shot both of them a knowing look— "Why don't you and I get ready for the ceremony?" Regina sensed Obi-Wan's excitement.

Regina started. Ceremony? She glanced at Skywalker quickly, sending him a questioning look. He kept his attention on his master, and Regina knew there was probably a good reason for that. She could simply ask one or both of them what they were referring to but she had other methods in which she could get answers. Using the Force, she could sense Skywalker's emotions: anxiousness, excitement, and annoyance. The last emotion confused her. How could he be experiencing those three at the exact same time?

"As you wish, Master."

Kenobi nodded at his Padawan.

"I'll meet you in my quarters in twenty minutes." Without another word to either of them, the older Jedi turned and walked away leaving Regina and Anakin alone in the crowd.

"What's going on?" Regina inquired, tilting her head. Skywalker rolled his eyes, though she sensed his annoyance wasn't directed at her.

"The Council is Knighting several hundred Padawans today. I'm one of them."

Regina's eyes opened wide. She knew what this meant to him, what it meant for both of them.

Instead of stating her praise, however, Regina asked a deeper question.

"Then why aren't you excited, Anakin?"

The inquiry wasn't demanding or reprimanding. It was full of curiosity and concern and Regina knew he'd sensed her genuinely.

He shrugged. "Unlike your ceremony, and those of millions of other Jedi for centuries, mine will be rushed, full of other Padawans, knighted simply to increase the number of full Jedi in the Order. Not only that, but I've technically already been knighted."

Regina's eyes widened, and she knew he was telling the truth. A lot had happened while she was gone. She didn't ask him to go into it though.

"It's just a formality, a show for the Republic to see. It's a means to an end. Like always."

She understood his frustration. She really did. A young Jedi looked forward to being knighted for decades, and this was how it was being celebrated? But on the other hand, being knighted wasn't supposed to be a thing to brag about; it was a symbol and a sign of readiness. She saw both sides of the coin, but she had to console her husband.

"Tell you what, Skywalker," she challenged, seemingly changing the topic. "Meet me after the ceremony is completed. I'll make sure your celebration is a special one." She resisted the urge to smirk. He raised his eyebrows, though he didn't reply.

"Until then, Sitara," he replied formally, moving past her. As their shoulders brushed, he leaned down and whispered in her ear. "You failed. Work on your subtle flirting." He shot her a look that showed mock disapproval. "And in the center of the Temple?"

Before Regina could reply, he walked on. With only slight annoyance mixed with a sense of fondness, she watched him go. And she knew that once again everything was about to change.

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author's note:

so proud of him. things are gonna start picking up, but the clone wars section is the longest. its a lot but its got a lot of important points that are instrumental to later events.

hope you are enjoying! (this isn't food & im not a waitress)


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