Part 9; The Drive, Again

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(660 words)

The first few minutes of the drive back towards civilisation were as calm and silent as the forest around us. The atmosphere was the same inside the car as out; comfortable and inviting.

As the geneticist made a left turn, I got a close look at her damaged hand.

"What's the story behind your hand?" The silence was torn in two as I spoke.

She hesitated for a moment, seemingly processing my question. "An experiment went wrong."

"That's it? Why were you experimenting on yourself? What was the desired outcome? Why didn't you-" “those are all valid and sensible questions, but I'm afraid I cannot answer them. Do I regret what I did? No, it got me closer to my answer. I'm a geneticist, I spend every waking second searching for life's deeper explanations. Would I do it differently next time? I don't have an answer for that. Everything I do, I do in the name of science. I do it to find answers,” Moira cut me off.

A moment passed of silence, I let her words sink in.

“I apologise for asking. I understand why you wouldn't want to discuss it,” I hesitantly said after a moment.

“Do you? Do you truly understand that I would give up my life for my practice?” She said, her voice a mixture of mad, sad, disappointed, and proud. Her eyes kept fixed intently on the road.

I didn't know what to say. How can I tell her how deeply I feel for her? Being locked into a practice that is so greatly demanding; choosing her research over her own existence.

“I understand. I know what it's like to crave something with your entire heart and soul. Your body physically hurts without it. Your life without it feels incomplete,” I started, gazing out the window of the car, watching buildings flick by, “I do understand.”

She glanced over at me as she stopped the car at a red light. “It's certainly bittersweet.” I turned back to her and we met eyes.

I softly smiled and tears started forming in my eyes, the geneticist lifted her hand off the gearstick and cupped my cheek, wiping the tear with her thumb.

“It's okay, dear. It's my choice.”

The moment held, her hand lingering on my cheek and my eyes shimmering with tears.

“I... I love...” I hesitated.

She lifted an eyebrow, looking at me with a smirk.

“ your car." I chickened out, shit. What am I doing? I can't tell her how I feel about her! This is weird...

She smiled sweetly, “thank you, dear."

The air that was once romantic and passionate, was now dry and blank. I felt a bead of sweat form on my forehead. How awkward...

The rest of the drive felt like an eternity. Each second dragging on until there was no life left in it.

“Do you like burgers?” Moira finally said as she turned into a drive thru.

“I- uhh... Yeah," I stammered and smiled.

She quickly ordered two burgers and drove through to collect them.

She handed one to me, “sláinte.”

She parked in the parking lot for a moment so we could eat.

“I thought you said you don't do breakfast," I said.

She smiled at me, “well today I've got company. It's nice to have a meal to share with someone.”

I simply nodded and opened the little box my burger came in, before removing the pickles from the burger and putting them in the box.

I hesitated for a moment. “Hey doctor, I'm really sorry for being awkward today.”

She looked at me with wide eyes before furrowing her brows. “It comes with the territory, it's fine, dear. I apologise for making anything feel weird for you.”

After we finished our food, we drove past a bin and I dropped the rubbish out the window into the bin and we got going on our way back to the Overwatch headquarters.

Geneticist To Master (Moira x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now