Part 10; The Lab, For The Last Time

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I stood at the door to the lab, waiting for Moira to unlock it.

We got approached by a man with white hair and a white beard. Moira didn't notice, still fiddling with her keys. “Good morning, doctor. And who might you be?” he said, his gruff and raspy voice came as he looked at me intently.

“I'm...uhh, I'm-" I nudged Moira to get the geneticists attention, “I'm... Well it's a long story.”

He glared at me, then to Moira. “Dr O'Deorain, what have we talked about you taking your test subjects out of the lab? They can be compromised.” The man looked angrily at her then at me.

“I'm sorry, Jack, do I come to your quarters and tell you how to do your job? No? That's what I thought. Leave us alone.” The geneticist said nonchalantly as she fiddled with keys still.

The man muttered something and sped walked away.

“Friend of yours?" I half joked.

“No. Jack Morrison. He has a serious hero complex and thinks that he can boss everyone around.”

“Is know, the boss?” I hesitated.

She looked at me, “yes. However, I have a problem with him coming and telling me what to do. I'm the geneticist, he probably can't even tell the difference between a chromosome and a nucleotide.”

“Ha ha... I guess?" I faked a laugh, not really understanding the geneticist's dislike for the man yet. He seemed sweet?

She finally pushed the door open with a grunt and walked in to see her lab now looked like a tornado went through it. She stood at the door and stared at the various papers spread across the floor, and the vials of liquid spilled all over the countertop, along with various other things scattered around the room.


I peered over her shoulder and winced audibly, “jeez, what happened in here?”

The geneticist stepped in and started pacing around the room, her eyes flicking to each corner, her heart panicked.

“Moira? Are you okay?" I wanted to comfort her as much as I could as I saw her face turn to a look of disgust and her lips pursed.

She quickly turned and stormed down the concrete pathway to the main building, speed walking down the slight decent.

“Morrison. Stop.” She barked before the man got to the automatic sliding doors to the Overwatch lobby.

He turned, his expression stoic, and his features hard as stone.

I followed Moira down the hill, but I stayed a good distance behind to give them some space to breathe. Or to swing arms, if worse came to worst.

“Who made the decision? Hm? Who flicked the switch?” Moira's voice dripped with poison and rage.

The old man let out a long sigh, “you had to have known that you couldn't continue here forever.”

She glared at him, her eyes filled with hatred. “How long have I got?”

“Two days. Dr Ziegler will be coming on Monday."

The geneticist spat her name, “Dr Ziegler? You're kidding." She placed a hand over her forehead and turned to walk back to her lab. “Have fun making no progress with the asinine angel."

She stormed back into the lab, I followed close behind and closed the door behind me.

“Do you want to talk about it?”

“There's nothing more to say." Moira's voice was cold and hard.

“Surely they can't just-" I paused, “can they?"

“Jack fucking Morrison. He has a serious hero complex and thinks that he can boss everyone around,” She said softly, seeming to be deep in thought.

“Perhaps you could go see the head of the organisation?” I suggested, the geneticist still facing away from me.

“No, that won't work... That monkey is just as useless as the moth," she spoke slowly, her tone laced with poison.

“Maybe you could-" I was cut off by her sudden turning towards me and lunging at me, harshly placing her lips on mine, pressing my back against the closed door. My eyes widened, then softened and closed as I realised what she was doing.

Her tongue entered my mouth, feeling all around. Her hands reached up and squished by breasts.

I let out a very slight moan, and she pulled back and turned away from me again. “I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me. I won't do it again."

“Hey, it's alright. I'm here with you. As your ‘test subject’ I believe I am not permitted to leave your watchful eyes, yes? Whatever you need, I've got you.” I walked over and placed my arm around her shoulder.

“Help me pack?” Moira said softly, looking up at me.

I nodded and smiled, before pulling her closer and planting a kiss on her cheek.

For the next few hours we packed, Dr O'Deorain was mostly silent, obviously still processing what this means for her career, but it was...fine. I was going to help her.

Geneticist To Master (Moira x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now