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Maddie sat in her living room, it was 8 pm, Punz, Purpled, Tommy, Tubbo and Ranboo had yet to leave, the Gothamites, Starlings and New Yorkers have yet to arrive. She wanted to work on a case, but no, if Bruce found out she was working on a case while she had guests over, guests who knew nothing of her other life.

"Explain to me again who these people are?" Tommy asked Punz. "Tommy, I have been explaining for halfan hour, get it through your big head, these people are people Maddie, eh, Dream, considers her family and there are much more to come." Punz sighed. "Maman, can I have some coffee?" Tim asked.

"He already had coffee today." Jason thought stopped Tim's hopes of coffee. "Just let him have his coffee." Maddie sighed, the sound of typing overruns the room as Maddie types on her laptop, Punz ignores it a reads meme on twitter while ignoring Tommy, Purpled, though slowly, fell asleep on the couch. Ranboo, Tubbo and Tommy kept their distance from Maddie, they still didn't trust her and didn't know how Purpled got the balls to fall asleep next to a mass murderer, terrorist, master manipulator and mentally ill therapist.

The sound of the zeta tubes when through the house again, a lot of times considering the amount of people coming in.

Eventually, everyone walked into the living room, some stopping at their bedrooms to leave luggage, others leaving the luggage at the door to the living room.

"Hey mom!" Dick greeted, going to the kitchen after giving Maddie a hug. "Good evening, Master Maddie." Alfred greeted, leaving any food he made on the kitchen island. "Hello mamá." Stephanie greeted, dragging Cass away, who signed 'Hello eomma' Maddie waved at them as Steph walked into her room. "Hey Maddie." Roy did a two finger salute, going to sit with Jason.

"Hi Maddie!" Harper and Cullen said at the sometime, they were preparing plates for Alfred. "Hi, aunt Junie!" Peter hugged Maddie. "Junie?" Punz questioned. "Oh, hello Luke. Maddie, Lucas said he couldn't make it." Dick said. "He'll be here next time and Punz, my second name is June." Maddie said, moving to check the kitchen, not that she didn't trust the Wayne's in her kitchen, but she didn't trust the Wayne's in her kitchen.

When she walked in, her attention was immediately on Bruce and Olivia, as they were the first people in the room. "Does he know yet?" Olivia asked. "No, how do you think a child would react to you, their mental manipulator and resident terrorist saying, 'Well, you my kid and I'm really sorry for essentially rendering you FUCKING MENTALLY ILL.' HUH??" Maddie whisper yelled.

"I mean look at Jason, he can still stand to be around Bruce and Bruce wasn't really the best father. Look at Roy he can stand being around me and I wasn't the best mother either." Olivia pointed the two out, the out were subconsciously drifting more towards Olivia and Bruce.

"Yea, well Jason and Roy still unconsciously seek your attention, now they get it from all three of us. Tommy, those kids, they don't need my approval, they don't unconsciously seek it, nor do they consciously seek it. Just seeing him being able to be ok it enough for me okay. He and his friends, his best friends,need to be able to heal and I will not slow that healing down by myself tearing down his mental state further because I, his mother, gave him mental trauma and he knows that's not normal." Maddie's eyes were initially losing that green of anger due to the therapy with Harley, but now, there was a small toxic green ring around her iris.

"You didn't even know he was your son, you only just found out." Bruce mumbled. Before Maddie could get even more angry, Olivia gave her a hug. Maddie wanted to cry, yes, she didn't know that Tommy was her son, but that was not an excuse. When she was younger, she remembered wanting kids, a big family, loving kids. She had never been one to hurt a child. It hurt that the thought even crossed her mind, Bruce and Olivia understood that.

All that was going to her mind during the time of the terrorist attacks she made was 'That CHILD took MY discs. The discs my GRANDMOTHER gave me before her passing. Get those discs at ALL COSTS.' Now, she wasn't in control of her thoughts nor her attacks as all she saw was green, but knowing she did that, cause, what at the time were 9 year olds, such extensive trauma.

She hates it, but there is nothing she can do now.

She crashed Ollie in a hug. She sighed, a tear slipped. Bruce's thoughts were wandering, because this woman, this wonderful woman, had gone through so much and Bruce didn't know the half  of it. He KNEW that there were still factors of Maddie was hiding because she went missing for so long, he knew that the fact that she had been apart of the League of Assassins and the Court of Owls was only a small part of her life.

He knew it would take many more years before she told him everything. This saddened him, but he knew it would take time.

Meanwhile, Tommy hid behind the doorway, shocked half to death. Instead of confronting Maddie with the truth, knowing it would hurt the both of them even more, he left the house, went down the mountain and sat by a stream.

He thought things over. Maddie had seemed sad, but to him acting exists and he knew with experience that Maddie was an amazing actor, having fooled him one too many times. Taking that into consideration. Weighing pros and cons, he decided, wait. You never know what could happen, displayed by the fact that those kids had called Maddie, well, 'Dream' mom or mother in multiple languages and though they all clearly, clearly, have trauma, it didn't look to be caused by Maddie herself and that Bruce guy, who he now realised it most likely Bruce Wayne, had mentioned that he and that Olivia lady weren't the best parents in the world.

Thinking back, he realised Maddie didn't want him to know, Maddie wants him to be fine without her. Maddie wasn't trying to control him, atleast not right now.

Again, he thought, just wait, you will know more later.

Madelyn Myriam WatsonWhere stories live. Discover now