chapter nine: firey

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I think I should really write a letter back to my grandma. I stare at the ceiling and let out a groan. It's been awhile since I wrote back to her and I kinda feel guilty I haven't written back in a long time. She answered really quickly when I was in a bad state. I should really reply.

I wonder what she's doing right now. Sitting down in her favorite rocking chair, crocheting stuffed animals, sweaters, bags. Or maybe she's in bed taking a nap, or eating food or maybe even watching TV. 

I also wonder if she's waiting for a letter. 

I sit up from my bed and walk over to my desk. I set a white piece of paper and grab out a pen. "The fuck is my pen at?!" I say and look at the floor. I see a black pen and grab it. 

"Ew!" I look at the black ink on my hand and groan. Whatever. I'll use it anyway.


Dear grandma,

                  I'm glad you wrote back to me. I really enjoy reading your letters when I'm not feeling the best. It reminds me that I have someone to talk to even if they're far away from me. 

                  So how have you been? Have you been crocheting? If you are tell me what things you've made. I'd love to hear it. And how's grandpa. If he's still smoking weed tell him to stop or he's gonna die sooner. Anyways, if you asked me how I'm doing I'd answer with fine.

                  There aren't many fights going on at home. Just silence. I think my dad is giving my mother the silent treatment and it's making my mom insane. My dad is just smoking, drinking and doing some really stupid shitty ass stuff. 

               Thanks for saying those things like I shouldn't get hurt and about my father. When I see him I feel pity and sadness for him. But at the same time I feel bad for you. 

               You saw both of your family members get hurt. Mentally and physically. It must of been hard.

                I wanna say I really, really miss you and I hope you have an amazing day.

                                                                                                           -Your grandson, Firey.


I place the letter aside and stand up. I look over at the time 4:15 AM. I have 4 hours till school starts. I should take a hot shower then change into something stupid and then go to school.

I walk to the washroom and shower myself in hot water. "Fuck..." I groan. I stare at the scar I made on my chest and wince at the pain. I rub the scar and turn off the water. "Ah, shit this hurts." 

I groan and step out of the shower. I stare at my reflection and smirk.

"You're a hot dude. But you really got some shitty ass parents that make you do this kinda shit." I say and stare at my scar.

I dry my hair, change into my clothes and walk to school.


Crunch, crunch, crunch

I stare at the red, orange and yellow leaves being crushed by my feet. I love hearing the crunch sound but when the leaf doesn't make a noise I feel disappointed.

I wonder what kinda stupid shit will happen today. Yesterday I saw Teardrop and Gelatin having sex. Two days ago I bought cigarettes from Blocky. Three days ago Pin and Leafy were acting weird around me. And four days ago I cut myself.


I look up and see Leafy puzzled. Her face is scrunched up with shades of pink. A small frown starts to form. Damn, got to get ready to get yelled at.

"Dude, you have to watch where the fuck you're going." She scolds me, placing her hands on her hips.

I smirk and lift my chin up proudly. "Sorry smart-ass. But you should watch the fuck you're going too." 

She gasps a bit and sighs. Her angry face slowly fades into a calm expression. "I guess I should be sorry too." She lets out a sigh before speaking again. "Mind if I walk with you?"

I shrug. "Depends if you're gonna insult me the whole time." I answer back with a confident tone.

She looks at the floor and shakes her head slowly. "No, I don't feel like it. Kinda tired to insult your lame-ass today." She then looks at me with a genuine smile.

I return the smile and nod my head. "Sure, why not." 

We began to start walking but I notice none of us are saying anything. She's just walking with me with her head hung low as she fidgets with her fingers. And that's when I noticed her nails. Last time I saw her she didn't have those cute nails. If I'm being honest I always see girls with different nails every damn week.

"I like your nails." I say to break the silence.

"I'm sorry!" She blurts out.

I frown slightly and tilt my head to the side. "Huh? Speak up?" I say crossing my arms in front of my chest.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make fun of your wealth. I had a rough morning and I needed to take it out on someone and I chose you. It was a shitty ass mistake and I should've kept it to myself." She admitted. 

I'm kinda shocked. A really confident girl is admitting something. I nod my head and place a hand on her shoulder. "It's fine. We all go and get mad at people. It's fine." I then take her hand and look at her nails.

"Plus I'm not lying when I said I liked your nails. They are really pretty." I move her hand left and right to see the nails in different angles. I look up at her and see a slight blush on her face.

"Thanks." She says.

I nod and smile. "No problem. Now wanna explain why you and Pin were staring and giggling at me last time we were in the same class?"

She blinks and pulls her hand back. "Eh, I dunno. Pin was just saying really funny things and I looked at you and she was asking me why every time I laughed I looked at you." I can tell that's a lie but I won't pressure her to say anything else. I'll just agree to it.

"Ah, alright. So how are you?" I ask to keep this conversation going.

She smiles and shrugs. "Like any morning. Wake up, eat, change, and walk to school. Like any other person's morning." She then rubs the back of her neck. "How was your morning?" She continues. I can see that she's a bit embarrassed.

"Mm, it was fine. Wrote a letter, showered and did what you did. Nothing special." I answer back.

She nods. "Who was the letter too?" 

I shrug. "My grandma."

"That's really sweet." She answers back.

We continue to walk and I stare at the beautiful colors of autumn. "Do you like autumn?" 

She giggles and nods her head. And to my surprise seeing her giggle kinda made my cheeks go warm. "I love autumn. My favorite season actually. I love the food, apple cider, pumpkin pie, and apples covered with caramel. I love smelling it fresh in the air. Not only that. I love the colors of orange, yellow, red and brown fill the area." 

I listen to her words and smile. 

"What's your favorite season?" She asks me.

I laugh and rub the back of my head. "Mine's not as cute and poetic as yours. I like summer. No school, no stress. I like flexing my six pack and muscles to the ladies at the beach with tank tops and bikinis. I like to cut the grass just to take my shirt off and let the ladies have a good look at me." I laugh and I look at her if she's laughing too. She's not. She looks disgusted by me.

"Maybe I shouldn't have said that to you. Just forget it Leafy." I sigh.

She nods and looks in front of her. "I hate the summer to be honest." 

I raise my eyes and tilt my head to the side. "Why?" 

She shrugs. "Eh, I feel uncomfortable showing off my body. That's why I like fall. I can wear cute and baggy clothes." 

I nod. "Cool." 

I pull out my phone and check the time. "There's forty minutes till school starts. Why don't we grab some apple cider. Last time I checked there was one near the school." I suggest.

She nods. "Sure." 

We finally reach the stand where the cider is being sold. 

"I'll pay." Leafy speaks out.

I shake my head and take out my wallet. "Nah, I think I'll pay." I said with confidence in my voice.

She shrugs and pulls her hand back into her pocket. "Alright."

I hand the person ten dollars for two apple ciders. "Here ya go. Ten dollars for one large and one medium." The person nods to my response and hands us cups of apple cider.

I hand one to Leafy and she smiles brightly. "Thank you!" She takes a sip out of the drink and I can see her cheeks go a bit pink.

"Yeah, no problem. Lets go to school now and head to our classes." I say before taking a sip of my drink.

She nods and we both walk under the shades of orange, yellow, and red.

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