Bonus: His name

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Nymeria stood at the foot of the bed, arms crossed, her eyes flicking between you and Hunter. The lines on her face were stern, but there was a softness in her voice as she addressed the Golden Guard.

"You're not doing yourself any favors by staying here all night," she said, her voice firm yet laced with concern. "You need to rest too, you know."

Hunter, slumped in his chair, didn't meet her gaze. His eyes were focused solely on your unconscious form, the rise and fall of your chest the only sign that you were still hanging on. 

He'd been sitting there for hours, barely moving, watching over you with an intensity that bordered on obsession. 

"I'm fine," he muttered, his voice low but stubborn. "I can't leave yet."

Nymeria sighed. "Look, I know you're worried, but this isn't the first time they've been in this state. I can't even count with my fingers the time I had to heal them back from almost dying. They pulled through. They'll pull through again."

The knot of guilt in his chest only tightened. 

He knew you were reckless, always taking risks without thinking twice, but this time, you'd taken on his injury. You'd saved him, and now, you were the one lying there with a broken leg, unconscious for three days.

Nymeria softened as she saw the pain in his eyes. She approached him and rested a gentle hand on his shoulder. "They'll wake up."

Hunter finally lifted his head to look at her. 

Nymeria stood up, giving him one last glance before heading toward the door. "I'm leaving you two alone for now. Call me if there's any change. And for Titan's sake, try to get some rest."

As Nymeria exited the infirmary, Hunter turned back to you, his expression still heavy with guilt but now mixed with a small glimmer of hope. He leaned forward, elbows on his knees, clasping his hands, and whispered, "Stupid monkey."

The soft rustle of your sheets was the only sound, made Hunter's head jolt up. 

But you were still asleep. You were frowning in your sleep, your expressions shifting as if you were caught in some vivid nightmare.

He hated seeing you like this. He didn't know why.

He wasn't good at this—the emotional stuff, the comforting. Fighting and protecting? Sure. But sitting here, watching you twist and turn in restless sleep, not knowing how to help... it just wasn't giving a great feeling.

Your fingers twitched, your brow furrowing deeper, as though the nightmare was tightening its grip. 

Without thinking, he reached out, his hand hovering over yours, hesitant. He knew you would tease him relentlessly for this if you were awake, but right now...

He gently clasped your hand, your fingers limp against his own. 

He looked away, embarrassed even though no one else was there to see. "You're probably dreaming about some insane scheme or running from another dragon," he muttered under his breath, trying to mask his concern with sarcasm. 

He tightened his grip just a little, hoping it might somehow soothe you. He didn't know what else to do. "Hurry and wake up so I can throw you in the Conformatorium, idiot."

As he sat there, holding your hand, the exhaustion he'd been fighting off for days began to creep in. His body ached, his mind heavy with guilt, worry, and fatigue. 

His eyelids drooped despite his best efforts to stay awake.

Eventually, Hunter leaned on the mattress, still clutching your hand as he drifted into an uneasy sleep. Even in his exhaustion, he refused to let go, keeping his silent vigil by your side.

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