Chapter 29: Where Two Souls Intertwine

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Hunter twisted and rolled around his bed. He couldn't sleep, again. His bed felt uncomfortable, and no matter how much he adjusted, he couldn't find a good position.

He sat up with a frustrated grunt, wiping his face in exasperation. His body was too used to sleepless nights from his missions. Ever since then, he had trouble sleeping. Usually, he'd read at night, but glancing at the books on the table, Hunter couldn't bring himself to read. The titles seemed dull and uninviting.

The little red cardinal opened its eye and watched Hunter with a chirp.

"Why are you still here?" Hunter muttered, glancing at the cardinal perched on the table of books beside his bed. Its bright red color stood out in the dim light.

Hunter sighed and looked at his staff in the corner of the room. Then he stood up and looked out the window. It was past twilight, and the moon was starting to dip down the west side. The cool night air carried the scents of dew and earth.

Perhaps a trip outside to catch some fresh air wouldn't be a bad idea.

You walked along the familiar paths of Latissa. The usually busy streets were now slightly less bustling as it was past twilight. The lamps flickered softly, casting long shadows on the streets, and the cool breeze carried the scent of blooming nightflowers.

Tweet. Your hummingbird buzzed its wings, flying beside you, its tiny eyes full of curiosity, seemingly asking why you were going in a totally different direction from the inn.

"Who said I wanted to go back?" You huffed slightly and rolled your eyes.


"No, I won't be going down the underground," you answered your palisman's accusing gaze.

As much as you loved causing havoc in the underground, you were definitely in no mood to exhaust yourself beating up some demons you had randomly scammed down there. It felt like too much of a hassle.

As you exited Latissa, arriving at the vast greenery, you looked up at the sky. Stars twinkled like a million tiny diamonds scattered across the sky, and the full moon hung low. You closed your eyes and inhaled the cold, fresh air, savoring the rare moment of calmness.

"It's been a long time since we've been at the knee," you smiled, looking at your palisman with a knowing, mischievous gaze.

Tweet. Your palisman shrugged, not disagreeing with the idea of a night out with you.

The hummingbird willingly transformed itself into a staff, falling exactly into your hands. You smiled, fixing your hood and cloak to shield yourself from the wind. Glancing down at the concealment stone in your hand, you flicked it, turning it off and reverting back to your real appearance.

You sat on the staff, the wood warm and familiar beneath you, and gazed at the bright full moon. The lights of Latissa dwindled behind you as you soared into the sky, the wind whipping past your face. You dashed away, piercing through the cold night.

Hunter sat atop one of the high buildings in Bonesborough, resting his hand on one knee as he watched the town draped in dim moonlight. The rooftops glimmered faintly, softened by the silver light.

The red cardinal silently followed, perching itself quietly on a nearby crate. It tilted its head, watching Hunter with curious, beady eye.

Hunter rested his eyes. The night was silent, with only the sounds of critters roaming around the alleys. The occasional rustle of leaves or the distant hoot of an owl added to the stillness. Yet, Hunter's mind was in loud turmoil.

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