Ep. 6

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Gwen didn't even have time to make it out of the academy when Fei found her. She was moving down the stairs with a cup of coffee.

"Why are you drinking caffeine right now?"

"Well I can't sleep, we've got some thin walls, and Sloane-."

"Who does, Luther is here?" Gwen asked. Fei nodded. She took a long sip of her coffee. "Oh shit."

"Mhmm, yeah, so I'm sleeping down here on the couch. Or I'm going to try, I think I can still hear them."

Fei walked past her. Gwen looked at the door and then back to the living area. She needed to talk to Fei, but she also had to round up everyone back at the Hotel Obsidian. She knew most of them probably split up after the arguments.

"Here it is." She walked back to the main room and sat across from Fei. "So how did it happen? Alphonso and Jayme?"

"It was the old guy," Fei set down her coffee. A raven flew in through a window landing just behind her shoulder. "Harlan, that was his name. They won't hand him over."

"Harlan." Gwen sat back.

She remembered Viktor talking about the boy back in 1963, he must have remembered them and come back. Why did he refind him though?

"Harlan let out a blast destroying Jayme and Alphonso in a wave of energy. No one saw it coming. They aren't at all like how you described them." Fei crossed her legs.

"They are, you just caught them on a bad day." Gwen rubbed her forehead. "How did Ben handle all of this?"

"He's number one again, he told you that, right?"

"He did."

"He also showed you the thing in our basement," Fei said. She reached back caressing her bird's neck.

"It's Kugelblitz."

"Ball of lightning?" Fei muttered. "Christopher said it was like a black hole."

"It is." Gwen nodded. "It's going to swallow everything, leaving only oblivion."

"We used Grace's eye to see what it was, but it almost took her and us with her. We can't go near that thing without it taking us with us." Fei sighed. The bird rejoined her body as she rolled her shoulders.

"That's how Marcus disappeared?" Gwen asked. She nodded.

"Grace set up a stand down there with his picture on it. She thinks it's god," Fei laughed.

"It might be our god. It has the power to end the world." Gwen stood up.

"Where are you going?"

"To watch the Kugelblitz in our basement and hopefully slow it down for a few hours." Gwen cracked her knuckles.

"You'll pass out," Fei said. She pushed the cup toward her. Gwen grabbed it seeing the light-colored coffee. "Just enough creamer."

"How did you get it?"

"Well Marcus is gone, so I got some." Fei shrugged. "He wasn't heard to say how unhealthy it was. Enjoy."

She laid down on the couch throwing the blanket over her legs. Gwen was slightly concerned about how loud Sloane and Luther were together. If they had Fei sleeping all the way down here, they must be loud in bed. Very loud.

Gwen made it down to the basement level as she walked through the archways. The writing was still on the ground around the ball as it pulsed. She hated that this had been down here this entire time and she didn't know.

She wasn't helping anyone, instead she was with Five. Alphonso and Jayme were dead. Marcus had been consumed by this already and Gwen was happy. She felt awful, but she could help now. She sat near the wall with the coffee near her.

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