Epiosde 22. Empire Festival

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Epiosde 22. Empire Festival

Scott: I’m in zero mooded for this but we have to go! {Fixing his hair, then goes over and puts a pendent in Roses hair}

Jimmy: Yeah it sucks! {Puts a pendent in Clover hair}


Rose is the Crown Princess of Rivendell, and Clover is going to be the Crown Princess of The Cod Empire!


Scott: There we go! {Finish his makeup} Know we just have to wait for our siblings!

Rose: ||* She twirls around in the chair excited *||

Scott: {Giggles} Jimmy tiaras!

Jimmy: Here! {Hands him Rose’s}

Scott: {Puts it on} You both look so beautiful!

Rose: “ Thanks Momma” ||* (( Shes around 13 now )) She giggles *||

Xornoth: Where here! {Holding Malum}

Joey: Sorry getting Cory to not where just black, red, dark pink, and purple is hard! {Holding Thorna}

Cory: “ Oh come on don’t point me out-!” ||* Wearing a white tux *||

Xornoth: You look good in white, and you’re only choices was Rivendell clothes!

Joey: Yup, with a rainbow! To match my Empire!

Cory: “ I look better in Red after all it is my color-” ||* He grabs the tux collar, The White tux goes half red, He grins *||

Xornoth: Ok we tried!

Joey: Give us that!

Scott: Now where waiting on mom!

Faith: ||* Appears Wearing a nice Blue dress *||

Herobrian: Ok Grian said there outside with Lizzie!

Cory: “ Alright people- Lets go-!”

At The Party

Scott: {Talking to Gem}

fWhip: Umm Scott…

Scott: fWhip! {Tension}

fWhip: {Bows} I wanted to apologize for what happen…

Scott: All is forgiven fWhip!

Jimmy: Looks like they made up!

Faith: “ Aw-~” ||* Her wings flutter *||

Random Lady: Oh my god my son said he wants to be a girl can you believe it!


Turtle: ||* Causely brakes dimensions *|| “ WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU SAY YOU LITTLE SHIT–”


Please Stand By

Random Dude: My son said he likes guys just yuck!

Lizzie: Jimmy I have an idea!

Jimmy: Scott and Gem?

Lizzie: Scott and Gem! {Runs over and gets on the karaoke} And next up for Karaoke is Lady Gem, and King Scott!

Crowed: { Cheers!}

Scott/Gem: WHAT!? LIZZIE!

Lizzie: Just do it!

Once they got on stage

Gem: What song?

Lizzie: I kissed a girl!

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