Episode 19. A Issue

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Episode 19. A Issue

In Rivendell

Scott: Ok So you two have been three months pregnant! {Looking at Josephine and Xornalin}

Josephine: Yeah!

Scott: Xor has his check up here in Rivendell sences his specific needs, but you need yours Joey, senses of privacy, I will be dropping you off in the Crystal Cliffs for Gem to do your check up, come back here afterwards ok!?

Josephine: Yes sir! {Eye roll}

Scott: I’m being serious! 

Cory: ||* Overheard from vine feed He tilts his head *||

Josephine: I know!

Scott: Anyways Xor have you told Cory?

Xornalin: We did,  2 months ago!

Scott: Ok! Cory, if you can hear me watch this lady, I’m taking Josephine to Gem’s! {Knows he can hear him through the corruption vines}

Cory: ||* Comes out from the shadows and wraps around Xornalin the heat from his body noticing its him *||

Xornalin: Hi love…

Scott: Bye! Don’t do anything you're not supposed to!

Cory: ||* Kisses Xornalin on the lips *||

Xornalin: Mh~! Yeah we won't!

Scott: Come on Jose…

Josephine Bye guys!

Cory: ||* Quickly goes over and kisses him *|||

Josephine: {Leans in} Bye…

Cory: ||* Runs his finger down his cheek. He looks into her eyes *|| “ Be safe Tiggy-”

Josephine: I will!

In The Crystal Cliffs

Josephine: {Worry} …

Scott: Hey it will be ok, also Cory vines can’t reach here senses of Gem’s magic!

Josephine: Ok..

Gem: Hello ladies! {Teasing Scott}

Scott: {Sign} I’ll leave her with you! I have business to attend to!

Gem: Yup, bye Scott!

Scott: Bye! {Flies off to Grimlands}

Gem: Come on Jo!

After The Normal Stuff…

Gem: So you have a healthy baby girl!

Josephine: That's good!

Gem: But…Josephine your body is really weak, scenes you can’t die you may end up losing the baby during labor…

Cory: ||* The vine feed turns on that moment he winces a tear rolls down his cheek *||

Xornalin: {Asleep on Cory}

Josephine: WHAT!?

Gem: There is a chance, so when it comes to you these next 6 months and the day of the birth we'll have to keep an eye on you…

Josephine: Ok…

Gem: You want me to call someone to bring you home!

Josephine: No, I know my way through the nether and Ella has it protected!

Gem: Ok, just be safe! {Hands him a crystal}

Josephine: I will!

In The Lost Empire

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