Episode 30. Meeting Faith Parents

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Something happen to episode 29 dunno what though to simplify what happen they went to space and meet Sparkles parents and they learned about both Scott and Faith, and Sparkles is showing more respect to Scott know, and also Sparkles show Faith something special they do the honor the Atro, and well Faith mention to Scott about her parents and well next episode!

Episode 30. Meeting Faith Parents

Scott: {In Aeor/Xeor/Faith dominion, he’s panicking and pacing back and forth} Why am I so nervous! 

Xeor: Hey bro what's up with him?

Aeor: No idea, I think I’m going to tell ma! {Walks over to his mother's room} Ma, something up with Scott!

Faith: “ That's because my parents are coming over for dinner-!” ||* She says calmly *||

Aeor/Xeor: WHAT!? {They joining Scott panicking}

Herobrian: {Walks out of his offices} And why are you boys making so much noise, I’m trying to work!


Herobrian: {Takes a deep breath} I need to not panic and make a good first impression! If I ever want to be more in this family!

Faith: ||* Snorts softly *|| “ My father is the hardest to impress-” 

Scott/Herobrian: Meep! {Hug each other}

Xeor/Aeor: Oh poor you guys! Lucky we already know them!

Faith: “ Oh Pelios will be so happy to see her grandson’s again!”

Xeor/Aeor: Well be happy to see them again!

Herobrian: PELIOS! I’m dead!

Scott: Why does it seem to just be getting harder for us!

Herobrian: Tell me about it!

Faith: “ Well my parents are Coeus & Pelios-.. God of Intelligence & Foresight- then Pelios the Goddess of Mood-”

Herobrian/Scott: We need to get ready! {Teleport off}

Xeor: Mom, you made them even more worried!

Faith: “Oops-”

After a hour or two

Herobrian: {Manage to calm down} I hate suites!

Scott: Ehh I got away with wearing a suite! {Wearing a dress}

A portal opens two very tall people step out one wearing a Alto colored suit (Coeus) The other wearing a dress the same color with a fancy gold ros clip ( Pelios) (( Also it’s the match to Faiths clip))

Scott/Herobrian: {Gaulp}

Pelios: “ Faith-! Darling-~!” ||* Hugs her tight *||

Faith: “ Hey mom-” ||* She smiles *||

Xeor/Aeor: {Chilling on the side}

Pelios: “ Where are my grandbabies- come give your old woman a hug-!” 

Xeor/Aeor:  Hi grandma! {Goes over and hugs her}

Pelios: “ Oh my, you’ve grown so much-”

Xeor/Aeor: Yeah…{Their wings flutter}

Scott/Herobrian: {Staying behind Faith}

Coeus: “ Faith-”

Faith: “ Father- Nice to see you again”

Coeus: ||* Smiles (( Usually rare for him other then with Pelios )) *|| “ Same too you-”

Xeor/Aeor: {Shocked, but keeping it under control}

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