Episode 25. The Blood Moon Ends and Faith Secret

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Episode 25. The Blood Moon Ends and Faith Secret 

Odist: “Let Your Vampire out- Your Inbasul-!”  ||* His eyes that purple red  color *||

Scott: {Looks at him then, flips him off then faints}

Odist: “ Great- Useless utterly Useless-” ||* He growls softly as A portal opens behind him *||

Olive: ||* Pins him in wolf form *||

Odist: “ Olive-!” ||* He Growls loud *||

Jimmy: {Goes over to Scott} Damn it…{Had taken some of his blood in a vile sences he knew Scott would faint, opens it the smell should wake him up}

Odist: “ Let- Me- GO-!” ||* Pushes him off sending Olive flying*||

Scott: {Shakes his head} J…jimmy…

Jimmy: Just drink it! {Shows him the vile}
Scott: {Drinks it, his energy going up and his magic level} Thanks….

Olive: ||* Gets flung and whimpers when he lands *||

Rose: “ Oh Hell No- You Do NOT fucking hurt my boyfriend-!”

Jimmy: She reminds me of her mother! {Looks at Scott}

Scott: {Takes a breath} Not the time!

Olive: ||* Shakes his head no *||

Odist: ||* Lunges at Scott *||

Scott: {His wing surround him quickly and he moves to the side}

Grian: {Yanks Jimmy to him} Stay out of the way Tim!

Scott: {his vampire magic mixed with his magic hits Odist}

Odist/Olive: ||* Whimper loud *||

Scott: Oh come on! Olive do you have the same connection like me and Xornoth!?

Olive: ||* Turns back *|| “ I was trying to tell you-!”

Scott: Well still not fully here am I! {Groans} Got to watch my damn magic usesage….

Odist: “ Just GIVE IN-!” ||* Bites his wing hard and trips Scott*||

Scott: {His wings flutter, wincing, but his wings glow golden the magic pushing him} Fuck off! {He used Aeor magic without knowing}

AO: ||* Crashes into Odist with angery Owl noises *||

Scott: Pissed off the mother owl! Oh great…

AO: ||* Her Whole Body lites with a Red Fire it flicks her eyes red she Screaches loud  *||

Scott: Damn she’s mad…

Jimmy: Can’t blame her! 

Grian: No Timmy! You stay right here!

AO: { Alro} ||* (( Hard one to understand but Scott should ))*||“ YOU FUCKING BITCH-!!!” 

Scott: {Bites his lip} Mom you can’t kill him! You will effect Olive!

Olive: “ Its a curse- Where not really bounded normaly its the moon-!”

Scott: Welp where in the wrong dimension then! {His eye flicker, mutters} Oh fuck not now…

AO: ||* She pins him with her talon *||

Odist: “ Yess-~!” ||* He smirks even though hes in pain*||

Scott: {Takes a deep breath} Please not now…. {closes his eyes}

Odist: “ Let it out Scott-~!”

Scott: Oh you better shut the fuck up! {His wings glow purple instead of the golden outline (Dark pink meaning Corruption magic)}

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