Chapter Nine: Lord Kronos!

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"Percy." I heard a voice say.

I turned towards the direction of the voice and smiled. "Lord Kronos!"

Percy's P.O.V.

"I didn't know you were strong enough to get somebody to be your host!" I said.

He nodded. "Perseus. Each time you killed somebody, their power came to me. I still do not know how it happens, but it does. Kill more. I have the power of Annabeth Chase! Hazel Levesque! Nico di Angelo! Clarisse La Rue! Braiden Monstre! I need more power! Percy. I trust that you will kill them to give me more power."

I nodded. "Of course, Lord Kronos. Once I'm done with this pathetic little camp, they won't be powerful enough to win against your army. Soon, this camp will be in ruins. We can destroy the roman camp while we're at it, too. And then we can attack Olympus. Without their demigods, their only choice is to fight us themselves! They should've learned not to rely too much on their children. Anyways! Lord Kronos! I will find us as much allies as we need. And I will kill more demigods so you can be powerful."

Lord Kronos smirked and nodded. "Good job, Perseus. Son. You will be rewarded greatly. Well, goodbye, for now." He said and walked away.

As he walked away, a few questions flooded my mind. First. How the hell did he get into camp? Second. Who the hell can i trust to be on our side. Third. Did he just really called me son?! For the first time?!

Well. Who cares?! They can't find out that I'm working for Kronos. They can't find out who Kronos' host is. And most of all, they can't find out that Kronos has gotten powerful enough to already have a host.

Three hours later...

Chiron's P.O.V.

"The demigods are being killed." I said to Dionysus. "We need to find who is killing them."

"Oh, they should know how to protect themselves!" Dionysus said.

"Why do you pretend to not care about them, Dionysus? I know you actually care for them." I asked.

Dionysus put down his diet coke and looked at me. "Fine. Chiron. I will admit to you. I kind of care for them. Just. This camp is to train them?! They are getting killed! The killer could be anybody! The killer could be a spy for Zeus' sake!"

I sighed. "You are right, Dionysus. We need to find this traitor."


<><><><>Authors Note<><><><>

I know! I am horribleeeeee! I should be killed for being like the worst writer/author/whatever in the whole universe! I didn't update for months. And I have no excuses but lack of inspiration. Anyways! People are free to PM any ideas. And thank you for the comments and the votes! And ohmygosh the views! What is it? Like 13.1K? Ohmygosh! Thankyouthankyouthankyou! Anyways! I'm sorry it's extremely late and short. Oh! And I changed my username! Well!



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