Chapter Fifteen: You Are Mine

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She watched as the blood slowly streamed down her fingertips and then drop onto the ground. As soon as it hit the ground, it turned gold.

"Now! For me to use my blood to awake Gaea!" Percy announced then used riptide to cut a long gash along his arm. He grinned as the blood hit the ground, turning gold.



Skyler's Point of View

It had all happened so fast. My life, I mean. Just last week I was getting beat by my step-father because I had accidentally called my half-sister a monster. I had ran to my mom and told her what had happened. She waved it off. Her exact words were: Skyler, quit being so dramatic. I know you don't like James, but I love him. Now please go wipe off all that disgusting make up to make yourself look like you have bruises.

The day after that, a strange teenager walked into the mansion. I walked into the sitting room expecting to see James, yet that was not what had happened. My mom was on the couch, crying her eyes out, while James was comforting her. I asked what had happened. She asked me to choose: her or my father that I never knew.

Don't get me wrong, I love my mom. It's just I couldn't stand James and that spoiled sister of mine. I hated being overshadowed by them. I wasn't wearing make up. My mom should've noticed that. I guess she just loved Jasmine and James more than me.

So, I chose my father.

I had packed up all my belongings and put it into the car the teenager had. He was a good friend of my father's is what he had told us. Before I had left, my mother told me to never return. If I were, I would be killed on sight.


Camp was stranger. I had gotten slapped by a son of Ares named Jason. He shouted at me and such. I knew he was just angry and forgave him. He seemed so stressed. He had said there was a war coming soon.

I just didn't know that it was coming very soon. A few days after I showed up, a battle broke out. Monsters were everywhere. Monsters of all things. They looked like mythical being made up from scary stories and made into reality. I watched many die and couldn't do anything. At least we had won.

I had finally settled in into Camp Jupiter. I was to train every single day for ten hours, only occasionally had breaks. It was exhausting. I was never one to be into sports, so I had passed out the second hour of training. I was extremely out of shape. Well, where I came from, I didn't need to be athletic.

After a week of training, they finally told me more details about the war. The Giants, Titans, and traitorous gods. The prophecies. I heard murmurs about the possibility of me being the child of the prophecy because of the time I had shown up. How was I to be the child of the prophecy when I still couldn't go six hours of training before I fainted?

Well, at least I learned quickly. I was taught a lot of sword techniques and etc. How to use a dagger, how to use a bow, how to use a spear. They only wanted us to fight. To learn to kill the monsters and win the war.

Why were they training us when they were still not confident in believing they would win? I saw the fear in the leader's eyes. In all the mentors. In Chiron's.

And the Percy kid. Who was he? I keep hearing all these rumours about him.

'He's in another prophecy! This is going to be his third one!'

'Percy is amazing... Why did he not take Poseidon back as his dad?'

If he's so amazing, then were the hell is the guy? I heard he went to go look for a missing friend. If I were him,  I would have gave up on searching for that person and moved on. It was just a waste of time. Besides, isn't there going to be a huge war? Wait, the war already started. We had the first battle a few days ago.

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