Chapter Thirteen: He is The Hero, Right?

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Chapter Thirteen


"How long until we attack, Master?"

"We attack in three weeks. Gaea should be awake by then. And Percy should have gotten rid of the rest of the Seven plus the praetor by then. We need them gone for this plan to work."


Third Person Point of View

Percy waited until they were all asleep. He waited until he was sure nobody could hear him. Then, he set his plan into motion.

Percy ran towards the Praetor's house. Reyna had given him a key to her's. Percy looked around to see if anybody was near. Nobody. He walked into the house. Now was the hard part.

Percy walked to Reyna's room. He could hear her light snores. Her being asleep helped him. He walked up to her bed. He reached into his bag and took out everything he needed. Handcuffs, rags, and ropes. He quickly handcuffed Reyna to the bed. Reyna woke up a bit too late. Percy took out duct tape and put it on her mouth before she could shout.

"Shhh, Reyna... I need you to be quiet for me..." He whispered.

Reyna looked at him with wide eyes. Her eyes only showed one emotion; betrayal. Then, she began struggling and kicking.

"No no no, Reyna. Bad Reyna." Percy scolded, a sadistic grin plastered on his face.

He grabbed a piece of rope and tied her legs together. He had the advantage of being male and stronger. Percy took off the handcuffs. He got onto the bed and sat on her stomach. Under other circumstances, he would have been turned on by the squirming Reyna under him. But this was not a normal circumstance. Percy pinned her hands together then handcuffed them. "You won't be escaping me..."


That morning, nobody could find Reyna. The praetor was never Lae for anything. When she hasn't showed up to breakfast, it alarmed everybody. When she didn't show up for a meeting, they began searching. She wasn't at Camp Jupiter. They could not find her.

Percy helped in the search parties. He played the role as the distressed friend perfectly. Nobody seemed to suspect him. Piper and Jason were found anywhere either. They should up hours later claiming to have been out in the city. When they heard that Reyna disappeared, they freaked.

This was horrible to everybody. Their leader was gone.

When Frank had died, they hadn't immediately replaced him. So now, there was undoubtably no leader. There goes another powerful demigod.

When Camp Half-Blood had heard the news, they began to suspect people. Percy was at the top of some of their lists. All the deaths had started when Percy came back. The deaths had stopped when he went to Camp Jupiter. And then Reyna disappeared over there when he showed up.

Nobody saw their logic though. Despite how accurate it was, nobody did not want to believe Percy would do such a thing. Percy was their hero, right?


Percy's Point of View

It has been over a week since Reyna had went missing. I had been keeping her in a secret place Hazel Levesque had made a long time ago when she was alive. When I came back, I put her in a huge bag. Taking her out of Camp Jupiter will be hard.

After dragging her to the entrance and explaining that it was a lot of heavy weapons, I was finally out. I dragged her a few more blocks, ignoring the crazy stares I got, and put her into a car. After putting her into the back seat, I got into the passengers seat.

Percy Jackson: Betrayed and wants RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now