00: prologue

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Yelling. Screaming. Shrieking.

The Queen was going to give birth, as many maids and servants surround her, helping her. "Push, My Lady!" The Maid says, encouraging the Queen to push.

The Queen screams in pain as her hands gripped the white sheets, A maid quickly opens the window to let in fresh Air.

"Push!, Push!"

Screaming. Yelling. Shrieking.

Finally, after one final push. A cry of a baby awoke.

The Queen pants heavily, as her grip softens, The Maid wraps the Crying newborn in a white, clean towel.

"Shhh, shh.."

The newborn cried as its tiny, chub arms keep hitting the air, The Queen looks at her baby...

"Oh...my god.." The Queen whimpered, as the maid gave her the crying newborn, "It's a girl, Your Majesty."

The Queen did not care about the gender, she was crying in joy, holding her newborn baby.

The Maids and Servants quickly clean the mess, putting a new clean sheet over the Queen.

The King enters, smiling in joy seeing the baby, "its a girl.." the Queen mumbled, as tears roll down her cheeks.

Even the King did not care about the Gender, "My baby girl..." He smiled, cupping the newborn's cheek softly so it won't hurt.

"Its a girl!, Lady Anryia has given birth to a girl!"

The King chuckles, as the Queen smiles softly at her newborn, crying..

"Oh, deary, You'll be the brightest star the world has ever known..."

The King wipe a tear off his cheek, not allowing himself to cry, Smiling gratefully.

"How about we name her..." The Kibg trails off, thinking a name.. "How about Katherine?"

The Queen nodded, "Yes!, Katherine!" She says in excitement, The King decided to name their Newborn after his Mother who mysteriously died when he was quite young.

The King and Queen were grateful and proud to have a newborn, whether its a boy or a girl, they are very grateful. They can finally experience having children.

"Katherine, You'll be the greatest Queen in the future..."

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