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The car stopped, as a brownish haired girl stopped as well, before apologizing. The girl then ran across the streets.

Then, A tall, dark brown haired girl read the newspaper, before a tall dark haired boy with glasses interrupted her.

"What's your name?" The boy asked, clearly having interest in the tall, dark brown haired girl.

The girl sighs, before closing her newspaper, and looked at him with a small, fake smile. "Phillis." She answered.

"Susan!!" A small voice called, walking to the girl quickly, The Dark brown haired girl looks at the small girl.

"You better come quickly!" The small girl says, as Susan puts her newspaper on the sets of newspaper before grabbing her case and ran with the small girl across the streets.

And back to the train station where on the side had a statue of a lion.

"FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!" A crowd that stayed on the stairs chanted, watching 3 boys fight a tall, blond haired guy.

Then, another tall, dark haired boy came down to join, "Edmund!" The small girl called.

The dark haired guy jumped on the slightly fat boy, making both of them fall to the ground.

Then the blond hair boy fell to the ground, his head was being pushed to the train's rails.

Before the dark haired guy- named Edmund pushed the ugly guy who was making the blond hair guy's head to the train's rails.

"FIGHT! FIGHT!" The chant faded slowly as a whistle came in.

A few military guys came, breaking the fight as the crowd retreated back upstairs of the train station's exit.

"Act your age!" The military guy said to the blonde haired guy.

A few brown cases were set down next to a black colored bench, as three people sat. The dark haired biy named Edmund, the tall, dark brown haired named Susan, and the brownish hair small girl named Lucy.

Then, the blond haired guy stood up, walking a bit before stopping, named Peter.

"Your welcome." Edmund said, "i had it sorted." Peter replied. Scowling.

"What was it this time?" Susan asks, as Peter looks at her. "He bumped me." He replied bluntly.

"So you hit him?" Lucy asks, trying to understand as Peter looks back at them again, but with a 'Oh my god...' expression.

"No, after he bumped me. They tried to make me apologize." Peter said, as Lucy sighs softly. "Really?, is it that hard to just walk away?" Susan asks, in a mother's obvious scolding tone.

"I shouldn't have to!" Peter exclaimed, as Edmund raises his eyebrows in amusement, "i mean- don't you get tired of treating as a kid?"

"Well, we are kids?" Edmund sarcastically says, smiling a bit.

"Well, i wasn't always." Peter replied, as the three looks at each other with realisation.

Susan sighs as Peter went back and sat between Lucy and Edmund, the four of them were siblings.

"Its been a year." Peter says, "how long do they expect us to wait?" He asks.

"I think its time for us to accept we live here, there's no use to try to be indifferent." Susan says, as Peter sighs softly.

Susan looks around, in the distance she sees the same guy. "Oh no.." she mumbled softly.

"Pretend your talking to me." She looks abck at her siblings, "well, we are talking to you." Edmund saracastically says.

Susan looks at him, obviously done. As Lucy stood up, "OW!" She said, "something pinched me!" She complained softly.

"Hey stop pulling!" Peter yelled, "I'm not pulling!" Edmund replied.

"Will all of you will ju- WHAT IS THAT?!" Susan yelled, as four of them stood up.

"Everybody, hold hands!" Susan yelled, as Susan held Lucy's.

"I'm not holding your hand!" Edmund yelled, as Peter sighs and forced his hand to hold his.

The train goes faster and faster as the walls start to come off, they slowly see a fresh, beautiful beach.

"Fresh, beautiful beach. Indeed."

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