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"DROP HIM!" Susan yelled, as two guards on a boat and on the lake dropped the dwarf.

Edmund and Peter then ran to the water, swimming to grab the dwarf.

Susan shoots an arrow to a guard who fell to the water as the other one followed.

Edmund puts a rope around the boat and pulled it to the shore, as Peter swam to the shore- holding the dwarf.

The dwarf then was on the ground, as Lucy grabbed her dagger and cut the ropes that held both of the dwarf's hands.

The dwarf then had his hands free and took off the cloth that was wrap around his mouth, he choked as he let out a few of the lake's water out.

He then chokes once more before getting up and threw the soak cloth to the sand.

"Drop him?!" He exclaims, looking at the four. "That's the best you can come up with?!"

Susan sighs, "Well, a simple thank you would be nice." She says, Lucy gulps silently.

"They were doing FINE drowning me!" The dwarf says, pointing on the lake where the boat used to be.

"Well, maybe we should let them." Edmund sasses back, as the dwarf sighs.

"Why were they drowning you anyway?" Lucy asks, confused as the rest listened. "There telmarines. That's what they do." The dwarf replied.

"Telmarines? In Narnia?" Edmund repeats, confused aswell.

"Where have you been since the last thousand years?" The dwarf asks, confused aswell. "Well, its kind of a long story." Lucy replied, smiling.

The dwarf then looks at the four, seeing resemblances somehow. "Oh no.." he mumbled. "Your it?, Your the kings and queens of old?"

Susan looks at Peter who came forward and held out his hand for a handshake, "High King Peter, The Magnificent."

The dwarf looks at him, feeling a bit attack by his face expression.

"Maybe you should left the last part.." Susan commented, as Peter sighs and lowers his hand.

"Well, Maybe." The dwarf chuckles, as Peter unsheathes his sword. "You might be suprised."

"Ohhh...you don't wanna do that boy." The Dwarf says, as Peter tugged a smirk.
"Not me, him." He says, pointing to Edmund who smirks a bit.

Edmund was known to be the best swordsman in Narnia before.

Peter hands the dwarf his sword, it was quite big and heavy for the dwarf.

Suddenly, he clashed his sword to Edmund who blocked it.

He then hit Edmund's nose, "Edmund!" Lucy called out before giggling. "Aw, Did it hurt ya?" The dwarf taunted.

More. More. Clashing.

Til, Edmund won.

"Merlin beards!" Dwarf exclaimed (pls i did not heard what the dwarf said!), "maybe that horn work after all!" He exclaimed.

"What horn?" Susan asks,

"A lovely horn that is."


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25 ⏰

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