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6 months ago...


Katherine yelled, chasing Caspian. He stole her books once again, annoying.

"CASPIAN! GET BACK HERE NOW!!!" Katherine shrieked, as she tries to catch Caspian who kept running.

Soon, Katherine gave up, panting heavily as Caspian stops, going to her with a playful grin.

"What?, can't run fast?" Caspian syas playflully before getting a smack on the shoulder, "Shut up, you bully." Katherine says, panting softly now.

Caspian chuckles before giving her book, "Here."

Katherine takes it, before looking at him. "That wasn't funny, Cas..." She mumbled, rolling her eyes but she did fins it funny.

"Awhhhh!, Admit it!, its quite funny!" Caspian exclaims in a teasing tone, knowing Katherine won't even admit it even if her life depends it. "Not. Funny." She replied.

Caspian ruffles her red hair, which grew to be quite long, He'd always admired her hair since well, They were 7 years old.

"I know," Katherine pauses, "My hair is the most magnificent hair that everyone has ever seen!" She says dramatically, before getting a gentle smack on the shoulder.

"You, My dear Cousin, are very dramatic.." Caspian chuckles, Katherine rolls her eyes.

"Lady Katherine, Prince Caspian." A Voice says behind Katherine, General/Lord Glozelle. "General Glozelle." The two greets.

"Miraz wants a word with you two."

Katherine and Prince Caspian nods before walking.

"I wonder what that hag wants.." Prince Caspian wonders in a joking tone, Katherine scoffs. "Cas!, That's not nice!" She says, hiding a grin.

They soon made it to the room where royal chairs are for some meetings with the lords.

"Ah, Lady Katherine and Prince Caspian." Lady Prunaprismia greets them with a smile, Katherine smiles.

"So, I've called you two here because.." Miraz trails off, "My wife, Lady Prunaptismia is..pregnant."

Lady Katherine lightens up and smiles, "Pregnant?, Wow! I- uhm...Congrats!" She beams, her wonderful smile was all what Lady Prunaprismia wanted to see.

Congrats!" She beams, her wonderful smile was all what Lady Prunaprismia wanted to see

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Caspian nodded, "Well, i- uhm...Congrants too!" He congrats, with a small smile as Lady Prunaprismia nodded at the two, thinking: "How sweet.."

"Yes...how Sweet..."


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