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A scream of pain was heard through out the Castle, as the Full moon made a glistening moonlight.

Katherine was on her bed, listening to the faint scream of pain, she understood why Lady Prunaprismia was screaming.. she was giving birth.

She sighs, moving her head to the side to look at her open window, allowing the moonlight in.

She had hoped Lady Prunaprismia would be okay after giving birth, She had seen her as her mother figure ever since she entered this palace's walls and floors.

The screams stopped, letting Katherine wonder what's going on, but hoped Lady Prunaprismia was alive and gave birth to a healthy boy or girl.

Her door opened, making Katherine sit up, in fear. She widens her green eyes in shock as two figures entered her room.

Caspian and Professor.

"Ca-..Caspian?" She muttered, as Caspian pulls her out of bed, "Come on." He replied.

He then grabs her hand and leaves her room, as Katherine follows.

"What's happening, Professor?" She asks, curiously, "Your aunt has given birth to a boy." Professor replied, trying to keep up.

"Why's that a problem?" She asks again, she doesn't understand..why is it a problem if Lady Prunaprismia has given birth to a healthy newborn?

"Miraz will kill me, but there's a small chance he's gonna kill you too..." Caspian answers, walking fast as Katherine follows him.

They entered the stables, it was so dark but the moonlight somehow made it less pitch black.

Caspian put on the black armor that was usually worn by the guards, and grabbed a guard's sword. He turns around to face Katherine, giving her a pair of black boots, and a sword aswell.

Katherine puts on the black boots and holds the sword, as she follows Caspian who mounts on his horse, she mounts aswell, sitting behind him.

"Go, and here." Professor says, giving Caspian a wrapped package, what Katherine guessed, it looked like there was a horn inside but a small one..huh..

"Now, go!" Professor exclaims, and Caspian holds the reigns, and the horse gallops out of the stables.

Katherine wraps her arms around his waist for safety, she wore a white shirt(her nightgown) with long sleeves and a pair of black trousers, paired with her black boots she put on. Her sword was with Caspian's, on his belt with his aswell.

They were noticed by the palace guards outside the stables, two tried blocking the horse's path with their long, sticks, forming an 'X'.

But Caspian blocked it, grabbing their stick and threw it on a wooden bucket, it then enraged with fire inside.

They made their way out of the castle, now in the Village, The horse stops for a minute.

Katherine hears the sounds of fireworks, and a 'A son!, Lady Prunaprismia has given birth to a Son!'

They continued their way out of the village, Katherine looks behind, seeing guards on their horses chasing them. "Caspian..There chasing us!" She exclaimed, making Caspian hold the reigns tightly, making the horse gallop fast.

They soon entered the forest, galloping fast, and it went out of the small forest, now heading to a river.

The horse struggles a bit, galloping in the water, it was a bit deep, but it reached Caspian's torso and Katherine's chest.

The horse got out of the water, seeing the guards on their horses struggle galloping in the water too.

The horse gallops, going inside the forest. Well, Caspian was acting a bit cocky and the got hit by a tree branch, making him and Katherine fall.

Katherine shrieked a bit, as the Horse gallops without them.

"He's seen us!"

Katherine looks up, seeing a small person..no-no..a dwarf walked to them, seeing the guards getting nearer.

"Take care of them." It says, as it gets its sword and ran forward to the guards.

Another small dwarf came to them, wabbling abit.

Then, in a reflex, Caspian blew the horn.



Then, the horn produced a loud sound like any horn would sound like before....


"Pitch Black, indeed.."


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