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Katherine woke up, having a white bandage wrapped around her head. She sat up, looking around.. she was in a small cottage was her guess.

"K-..kath?" Caspain mumbled, waking up aswell, sat up too. "He's just a boy, Nikabrik!" A voice said.
Katherine stood up, walking a bit and peaked over, a talking badger and a small dwarf.

Caspian stood up aswell.

Well, a blink!

Caspian was now face to face with the dwarf who Katherine assume to be named 'Nikabrik'

"Enough Nikabrik!" The Badger, Trufflehunter said, breaking the fight as Katherine stood behind him.

"Or do i have to sit on your head again?" Trufflehubter asks as Nikabrik cool down, putting his sword on the ground as Trufflehunter gave Katherine a bowl of soup.

And picked up his toast that fell from the floor earlier, "You!, look what you made me do!" The badger exclaimed as Caspian stood up, and sighs softly.

Trufflehunter wipes off some dirt off the toast and outs it on his plate and gave Caspian a hot bowl of soup like Katherine's.

"Here, still warm.." The Badger says, as Caspian holds it, and began drinking the soup.

The badger started to talk and the dwarf, Nikabrik spoke: "He's a telmarine soldier-!"

Katherine spoke, "He's not a soldier, He's Prince Caspian." She sighs, "The Tenth." Caspian says, his head high.

"I'm Lady Katherine, or just Katherine." Katherine says, smiling as Trufflehunter nodded, "Pleasure to meet you, Katherine."

"Kath, lets go." Caspian says, as Katherine looks at him, "Cas..."

"Lets go-"

Katherine sighs, as Caspian puts on his armor.

"Wai- You can't leave!, you guys are meant to save us!" Trufflehunter says, as Katherine looks back.

"Don't you know what this is?" The badger asks, pointing to the white horn that was small and had a unique style.

Katherine realizes..

"Queen Susan's horn..?"

Caspian pauses, looking at the horn aswell..

"Queen Susan's horn is quite the magic, ey?"

"Queen Susan's horn is quite the magic, ey?"

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