Part 1 - Chapter 1

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"Looks like you need a hand."

I looked up. A broad-shouldered man was standing in front of me. He had smooth, straight hair and a bulky body. He looked like the type of person you wouldn't want to mess with. Okay, so you might be wondering how I got into this mess in the first place....

It was daytime and I, NeverForeverCool, was just driving along in my car to the pizza place. Right next to it, there was a small building called "The Dump." It was very likely for someone to steal your car, so I parked mine right in the middle of the two other cars so it would blend in. Unfortunately, I forgot that there was a ditch right in front of the parking lot. I went a little too forward and that was the end of my car. I got out and walked to the door of the pizza place. This door just led to the working area. The actual restaurant is all the way on the other side.

On the other side of the door was a room with two or three people grabbing pizzas in pizza boxes which were coming out of a machine. This was the pizza delivery room. People would grab a pizza box and go to their car. Then they would deliver the pizza to a house.

I went into the next room which was located on the right. Inside were empty pizza boxes on a shelf above the table. On the right were pizzas coming out of a machine. This was the pizza boxing room.

I grabbed a box from the shelf and laid it on the table. I opened it up and put a pizza inside. Then I closed the box and put it in a machine that sent it to the pizza delivery room. To my shock, there were only two more pizzas left in the box! Lots of people around me seemed also quite shocked. I thought I should go talk to the manager in his office (which was right behind me) but it was locked. I decided that I should go talk to the cook about it.

I walked to another door which led to a narrow passage that led to a door. I walked through that door and found myself in the kitchen. There were six ovens on the right side of the kitchen. On the front side were stakes dough and four other ingredients. To my surprise, there was only one person making the pizzas! On the top of the person's head, I saw his name: CTCRox.

I asked CTCRox why there was no one else working. He burst into tears.

"The manager noticed that no one was making any pizzas, so he put me to the job! He said that if I didn't do it, his bodyguards would surround my house and stop me from getting in!"

I felt sorry for the poor chap and decided to help him. Right behind us was a door that led to the main restaurant. Two people were looking through the window from the restaurant straight at us. I went into the restaurant to see if they needed anything, but they beat me to it.

"You need to come with us," one of them said.

"We need to report you to the manager," the other one said.

I had no choice but to follow them back to the pizza boxing room. As soon as we got there, we entered the manager's office. The manager was sitting there behind his desk. He had dark shades on and had brown hair. I read his name: DragonFist33.

"This guy tried to help CTCRox, boss." Said one of the men named DinDin.

"What should we do?" asked the other named: DooDoo.

"Hmmm..." Said DragonFist33, "Make NeverForeverCool swear never to help CTCRox. Never! Besides, it's in his name: Never-Forever-Cool. You, NeverForeverCool, must swear it, or we'll surround your house and stop you from going in! Now, repeat after me: I solemnly swear..."

"I'll never do it!" I yelled. I'm sorry, it had to come out.


The door was wide open, now was my chance! I made a dash for it! I ran out of the pizza place and into the parking lot. Luckily, there was one car left. I got inside the last car and moved it a little forward. Allas, I forgot about the ditch. I jumped out of the car and ran. I couldn't see the men, although I knew they would be gaining on me any second. Suddenly, a car came speeding around the corner. Somebody jumped out of the car and ran towards me.

"Looks like you need a hand." The man said.

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